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Masters Welcome Back
Sunday, November 3, 2024

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Welcome Back Party

This event has 1 activity
    Participation Summary
  • 78 are attending
yes attending alpha sort
1Rosemarie Addy 153* 21824
2Anina Bachrach 98* 21825
3Ben Bachrach 98 21825
4Mert Becker 130 21900
5Patricia Becker 130* 21900
6Charles Bendetta 137* 21808
7Linda Bendetta 137 21808
8Cliff Bickerton 133 21804
9Joann Bickerton 133* 21804
10Antje Boulay 123 21803
11Ray Boulay 123* 21803
12Annie Brown 104* 21795
13Kathe Brown 180 21852
14Nelson Burr 172* 21836
15Joanne Bursack 172 21836
16Janet Butterfield 139* 21764
17Terri Carney 148* 21895
18Bruce Clark 107* 21924
19Monika Clark 107 21924
20Marilyn De Francesca 110* 21869
21Celeste Eaton 160* 21848
22Tim Eaton 160 21848
23Bill Ellis 173* 21884
24Janice Ellis 113* 21920
25Ric Ellis 113 21920
26Sharon Ellis 173 21884
27Linda Farmer 112* 21772
28Roger Farmer 112 21772
29John Fenton 120 21937
30Marty Fenton 120* 21937
31Craig Fox 179* 21876
32Russ Frith 180* 21852
33Peter Haack 178* 21856
34Susie Haack 178 21856
35Ellen Hedlund 144* 21823
36Fred Howard 174* 21768
37KATHRYN HOWARD 174 21768
38Sara Jackson 141* 21896
39Don Jancin 101* 21933
40Pauline Jancin 101 21933
41Ingeburg Jungbluth 167* 21809
42Kathryn Maness 159* 21917
43Lanny Maness 159 21917
44Arnold Mantilia 158 21945
45Christine Mantilia 158* 21945
46Mark Mirsberger 156* 21753
47Martha Mirsberger 165* 21753
48Lynelle Moscaritolo 126 21724
49Michael Moscaritolo 126* 21724
50Faye Olondo 115 21815
51Jorge Olondo 115* 21815
52Betty Petronis 135 21925
53Robert Petronis 135* 21925
54Barbara Reece 124* 21819
55Dusty Rhodes 162 21828
56Kathy Rhodes 162* 21828
57Kristan Rice 131* 21776
58Al Scott 155 21744
59John Scott 141 21896
60Brian Sherlock 136* 21932
61Kathleen Sherlock 117* 21932
62Jackie Sherman 171* 21708
63Phil Sherman 171 21708
64Michael Sias 122* 21912
65Patricia Sias 122 21912
66John Sirianni 121 21773
67Julie Sirianni 121 21773
68Gwendolyn Swanger 106* 21835
69Jim Swanger 106 21835
70Monika brother tbd 107 21924
71Monika sister-in-law tbd 107 21924
72Mike Thibodo 108 21748
73Priscilla Thibodo 108* 21748
74Jerry Vasile 127 21908
75Mary Ellen Vasile 127* 21908
76Pam Venosa 155* 21744
77Elizabeth Wells 157* 21891
78Leigh Wells 157 21891
not attending alpha sort
1Barbara Barbieri 168* 21868
2Tom Barbieri 168 21868
3Gail Butler 175* 21756
4Brian Cecca 128* 21928
5George Cheatham 102* 21785
6Jim Curtis 146 21864
7Karen Curtis 146* 21864
8Tim Devita 169* 21952
9Kenneth Freeman 150* 21872
10Mary Grace Gallagher 132* 21913
11scott Gallagher 132 21913
12Steve Gottfried 109* 21732
13Diana Kloevekorn 138* 21760
14Erich Knehans 118 21907
15Maureen Laroche 145* 21860
16Jim Leonard 147 21944
17Kathy Leonard 147* 21944
18Basil Mawbey 176 21940
19Eileen Mawbey 176* 21940
20Bill Maxwell 105 21820
21LeEtta Maxwell 105* 21820
22Cheryl Nabholz 118* 21907
23Dikran Ohannessian 129 21936
24Ron Paquette 142 21849
25Wendy Paquette 142* 21849
26Ninni Pettersson 121* 21773
27Robert Pike 125* 21781
28Kathleen Portman 149* 21712
29Ian Pulley 143* 21716
30Lindsey Pulley 143 21716
31Betsy Rechel 154* 21736
32Scott Rechel 154 21736
33June Roberts 129* 21936
34Lars Rolandson 166* 21929
35Duke Smith 170* 21759
36Joan Stoltzfus 103 21857
37Lamar Stoltzfus 103* 21857
38Kathy Straub 177* 21812
39William Straub 177 21812
40GINA TUAREZ 128 21928
41Kari Vilamaa 119* 21888
42Edward Vonderbrink 152* 21904
43Jude VonderBrink 152 21904
* = made reservation
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