Masters Bocce League Participants

Anina Bachrach Wildcats Cats
Benjamin Bachrach Wildcats Cats
Barbara Barbieri Rolling Champs
Thomas Barbieri Rolling Champs
JoAnne Blumenthal The Ballberians
Kurt Blumenthal The Ballberians
Antje Boulay Masters Blasters
Ray Boulay Masters Blasters
Kathe Brown The Rolling Stones
Nelson Burr The Ballberians
Joanne Bursack The Ballberians
Bruce Clark (C)Wildcats Cats
Jim Curtis Ready to Roll
Karen Curtis Ready to Roll
Marilyn De Francesca Ready to Roll
Celeste Eaton The Tootsie Rollers
Tim Eaton The Tootsie Rollers
Bill Ellis (C)The Ballberians
Janice Ellis Ready to Roll
Richard Ellis Ready to Roll
Sharon Ellis The Ballberians
Linda Farmer The Rolling Stones
Roger Farmer The Rolling Stones
Craig Fox The Ballberians
Ken Freeman Masters Blasters
Nancy Freeman (C)Masters Blasters
Russ Frith The Rolling Stones
Joey Gallico The Rolling Stones
Larry Hannah Masters Blasters
Paul Hart The Rolling Stones
Ellen Hedlund Wildcats Cats
John Hodowal The Tootsie Rollers
Fred Howard The Tootsie Rollers
Kay Howard The Tootsie Rollers
Don Jancin (Sub)River Rollers
Diana Kloevekorn Wildcats Cats
Diane Mace River Rollers
John Mace River Rollers
Doug MacLeod Masters Blasters
Maryann MacLeod Masters Blasters
Arnold Mantilia Ready to Roll
Bill Maxwell (Sub)Rolling Champs
George Monahan (C)Rolling Champs
Lynelle Moscaritolo (CC)Ready to Roll
Michael Moscaritolo (CC)Ready to Roll
Terry Mountford The Rolling Stones
Dikran Ohannessian River Rollers
Betty Petronis Rolling Champs
Sue Plummer The Tootsie Rollers
Betsy Rechel Wildcats Cats
Scott Rechel Wildcats Cats
Carol Roberts Wildcats Cats
June Roberts River Rollers
Roger Roberts Wildcats Cats
Brian Sherlock River Rollers
Kathleen Sherlock River Rollers
Sinikka Sherwood The Rolling Stones
Michael Sias The Ballberians
Patricia Sias The Ballberians
Grace Spence Rolling Champs
Robert Spence Rolling Champs
Kathy Straub Rolling Champs
William Straub Rolling Champs
Gwen Swanger (Sub)Ready to Roll
Michele Towey Masters Blasters
Jerry Vasile (C)River Rollers
Mary Ellen Vasile River Rollers
Kari Vilamaa (C)The Rolling Stones
Ann Zeig The Tootsie Rollers
Norm Zeig (C)The Tootsie Rollers
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