New Board members

At the Masters Annual Meeting March 15, we are pleased to announce the following:

As of the deadline to fill the expired terms for two positions on The Masters Association Board, two individuals, Lynelle Moscaritolo and George Monahan have submitted their “notice of intent to be a candidate” forms. After reviewing our documents and Section 720 of the Florida State Statutes, the following is the course of action that will be followed:

1  – As there were two candidates for two openings, no election is required and the two candidates will be elected to the Masters Association Board on March 15, 2023.

2 – Immediately after the Annual Meeting, the seated Board will hold their organizational meeting to elect new officers

Lynelle and George will be joining current Board members Celeste Eaton, and Jerry Vasile

Additionally, Kathy Sherlock, Masters Board Treasurer has advised us that she will step down from the Board effective the adjournment of the 2023 Annual Meeting.

Kathy joined the Board at the 2022 Annual Meeting and served our community extremely well. Her contributions as the Treasurer and member of the Board are very much appreciated.

The Board at its Organization meeting on March 15, will appoint a new Board member to serve the remaining year of Kathy’s term. 

While she will not serve on the Board, Kathy will continue to serve our community as a member of our Welcome Committee, the formation of which was approved at our last Board meeting. She will also take on the role of our Social Coordinator working with our event organizers.

I am very pleased to announce that joining Kathy on the Welcoming Committee will be Pat Becker and Mary Grace Gallagher. They will continue to build on the excellent work by Don Jancin in welcoming new residents to the Masters and organizing our social events.