Agenda BOD Meeting 2/26/2019

The Masters Homeowners Association


Feb. 26, 2019   2 pm  Pelican Sound  Fitness Center – Lakes Room

Call to Order

Proof of Notice / Determination of a Quorum

Reading/Approval of December 6, 2018 Budget Adoption Meeting Minutes

Open Forum – Sign in to speak

Officers’ Reports

Old Business

Review and Adopt:  

Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions


New Business

          Report on House Repainting

Review of bids for roof/house cleaning and house painting

Postponement of house painting until at least 2020.

Next Meeting – Annual Meeting – March 20, 2019, 10 AM


submitted by Marcy Holtz – 2/24/2019

Pelican Sound Board of Directors 2019

Marcy Holtz reported that on 2/7/2019 the Board of Directors and its Officers are:


President Neil Severance ~
Vice-President John Graft ~
Treasurer Lamar Stoltzfus ~
Secretary Diana Brown ~


Jack Herb ~
Jim McGivern ~
Chris Ralston –
Barb Schultz –
Ken Yozamp ~

Best Wishes to Kurt Stegle

We are setting up a collection and card for Kurt who will be leaving Pelican Sound February 8.

There will be a bag with a card to sign and to drop off any sort of donation you would like at Cynthia Cecca’s door: 21928 Masters Circle.

The bag will be in place from Saturday 2/2-Thursday 2/7.

For those who don’t know, Kurt will be moving on and moving down to North Carolina to be a Head Pro.

submitted by: Cynthia Cecca

Consent Form for Electronic Notification

CONSENT FORM Electronic Mailings – Microsoft Word posted 12/10/2018

CONSENT FORM Electronic Mailings – pdf posted 12/10/2018

Dear Masters Residents,

Attached is a form that will allow your BOD and Collier Financial to send communications of pertinent matters of business in our community electronically to you.  We will realize a savings in printing costs and mailing costs of Annual Meeting, Budget Adoption meeting, pending document revisions, etc.  

If you would like to receive information electronically, please complete the form and mail it to Collier Financial (address on form) or give it to me (21880 Masters Circle) and I will see that it is sent on to Collier Financial. I have copies of the form available in a display box near my front door that you may pick up if that is more convenient for you.

Please respond by Wednesday, February 20, 2019.

We strongly encourage you to select this method of communication.
Thank you in advance for your response.
Marcy Holtz, President
Pam Venosa, Vice President
Nancy Freeman, Secretary
Bill Ellis, Treasurer
Jim Swanger, Director

The forms are also available on our Documents Page

Heart Signs – Donation Request

Once again, Pelican Sound is holding it’s annual campaign to raise funds for the American Heart Association – only this year it will be in February – “National Heart Month”!

As in the past, we have sold signs & displayed them on the current tennis center fence, as well as on the golf course the day of the Men’s/Ladies Golf Event.

The Masters neighborhood has always been very generous to sponsor a sign from our neighborhood. I am hoping we can do the same this year.

A “Heart” box will be on Kathy Portman’s front porch (21712) where you can deposit your check as a donation towards our neighborhood sign. Make checks payable to American Heart Association – tax deductible.

Thank you for all your support to a charity that effects so many of us.

Notice the updated defibrillators we were able to purchase for our own community last year!

Kathy Portman

Fiber Optics Project


Starting on January 23, 2019, you may begin calling Comcast to schedule a complimentary home service installation appointment for the final step in the fiber optics project.

Call – 1-800-934-6489

Ask to be connected to BULK CUSTOMER SERVICE


Attend an on-site scheduling event
note possible new date, time, and room

  • Wednesday, 1/23/19, 9 a.m. – 12 noon, Lakes Room
  • Tuesday, 1/29/19, 9 a.m. – 12 noon, Sound Room
  • Tuesday, 2/5/19, 9 a.m. – 12 noon, Sound Room

The installation may take up to 4 hours.  Someone must be available to let the technician into your garage and home.
For more information, see the Pelican Sound e-mail “Comcast Fiber Optic Update” sent on 12/22/18.

Marcy 12/26/2018
revised 1/22/2019