Masters Circle January Social

Friday, January 13, 2023

Racquetball Lanai from 5 to 8 PM

Come one, come all and enjoy a celebration of the opening of bocce season for the Masters. The regular bocce matches will be held from 3 to 5 PM at the bocce courts. Any, and all are welcome to come and cheer the teams on.

Immediately following there will be a party at the Racquetball Lanai from 5 to 8 PM.

Food will be delivered by Wally’s deli and will include a range of sandwiches, chips, and cookies. Bartenders will be ready to serve your favorite beverages charged to your member number.

Cost per person will be $15 and the deadline for registration and payment is January 6. Please drop off your check (payable to Michele Towey) or cash (in an envelope with your name) at 21948 Masters Circle. A box will be by the front door.

All community members, house guests and renters are invited to join our event.

Please remember to wear your Masters name badge.

If you did not get an email with a link
to the signup form click here.

Text 911 – Lee County

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The Lee Board of County Commissioners and Lee County Sheriff’s Office have announced that county residents and visitors now can send a text to 911 in an emergency.  Placing a voice call to 911 remains the most effective method for requesting emergency assistance.

Text to 911 Only When the Caller is:
– deaf or hard of hearing
– experiencing a medical event that makes clear speech difficult
– in a dangerous situation where unsafe to make a voice call, such as an active shooter, domestic violence incident or home invasion

– use slang, abbreviations, GIFs, or emojis
– send to more than one person – group texts are not received
– text and drive
– send photos and videos  

Text to 911 is only for emergencies. It is a crime to text or call 911 as a “test” or with a false report. When texting to 911 in an emergency: Enter 911 in the “To” field (do not use dashes between numbers) Give your exact location and type of emergency. Keep it brief. Be prepared to answer questions and follow instructions from the 911 call taker.

A text or data plan is required to text to 911 and regular rates apply. Mobile carriers handle texts to 911 like any other message. You can experience the same service speeds or delays, depending on network strength in your area.  

For more information about texting 911 visit: