December 5 Christmas Party

The Masters Holiday Dinner & Dance
Vista Room at the Pelican Sound Club House
Sunday December 5th * 5PM – 9PM

Click here to see who has replied

Ready for some Holiday Cheer? We have booked the band and are in the process of working out a menu with the club.

Meantime, the final number of attendees is needed no later than December 1st, to advise the club for their planning.

Details will be sent to you as the event plans are formalized, and we appreciate your co-operation in using the link below to sign-up. A confirmation number will be issued to all responses.

Please Click Here to register.

Your contact for this event is: Mary Grace Gallagher, Committee Chair

2019 Masters Bocce Teams

2019 Masters Bocce Teams Announced
Follow the above link to the Masters Bocce Page. There you will find two links. One gives an alphabetic list of all the players showing the new team number. The other lists each each team, with the Captains bolded. Also on the Bocce Page is a page showing the Captains contact information. You will have to login to view that page. The 2019 Schedule and Rules are also posted. Note: as with everything else in this world, the data could change between now and January when we have our first matches.

Masters Board Meeting Nov. 29

The Masters Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
November 29, 2018 2 PM Fitness Center Lakes Room

Call to Order

Proof of Notice / Determination of a Quorum

Reading /Approval – October 30, 2018 Meeting Minutes

Open Forum – Sign in to speak

Officers Reports
Report – ARC/ Landscape Committee
Report – Masters Documents Review Ad Hoc Committee

Old Business
Cleaning of Roofs (Notice from PS ARC)
House Painting (Notice from PS ARC)

New Business
Review proposals for tree trimming in 2019
Formation of Web Site Standing Committee
(no less than 3 members; no more than 5 members + BOD liaison)
Other new business

Next Meeting – December 6, 2018, 1 PM – Fitness Center Sound Room


text received from Marcy Holts 11/26/2018

Lost Key

Monika Clark found a key on the street in front of her home.
It is a key ring with a single key that appears to be a golf cart key? If you lost a key, Don Jancin has the key that Monika found and asked we search for owner. Call 239-498-1447 or stop at 21933 Masters Circle.

Masters Christmas Party

Thursday, December 6, 2018 at PSGRC – River Club

There is still time to sign up for the Masters Christmas Party to be held on Thursday , December 6th at the River Club. The committee reports a strong sign up to date with over 70 attendees.

The committee reports there will be:

a cocktail hour from 6:00 P.M. till 7:00 P.M.
followed by a buffet dinner- menu selected by the committee
The committee has added music to our evening and
will have a photographer taking holiday pictures of couples and groups.
More information including menu will follow prior to event.

Please take the time to sign up early if you plan to attend! You can hit reply to this memo or advise one of the committee members. A confirmation note will be sent to you.

Christine Mantilia
Mary Grace Gallagher
Marilyn DeFrancesca

Click Here for more information

Masters Circle Street Parking

The PSGRC Club Construction projects in process may cause a number of meetings or activities to relocate to homes during the upcoming season to accommodate planned PSG&RC activities. Masters Circle is a very narrow street – 24 feet from edge of gutter to edge of gutter on opposite side of the street. We have experienced several gatherings at homes with automobiles parked on both sides of the street making it difficult for other homeowners driving to fit between the parked cars and equally important adequate room for commercial trucks and or community emergency vehicles to pass safely.

The homeowner holding a gathering at their home needs to utilize their driveway for parking and further make sure that guests park on one side of the road only, but not on lawn area. Our homes have sprinkler heads adjacent to the gutter that would be damaged by parking near the edge the lawn area.

It is great that we have neighbors making their homes available to others , but we need to care about our neighborhood and neighbors when scheduling events in our homes. Please make sure you provide your PSG&RC guests with proper parking instructions for club activities or parties etc. at your home.

Donald J Jancin

Comcast Update

For attendees at our Welcome Back Party – Dusty Rhodes gave an excellent update for Masters Comcast installation on what to expect and your options on location of your modem – Garage or where it currently exists in your home or whatever your preference within your home!!

Please note the option on location of the modem is only available to single family owners- not condo’s, carriage Homes etc. It is natural to want to mention to a PSG&RC friend what you heard about Comcast installation and Dusty wants you to know what he discussed was for Masters Residents only  ( single family homes)  – not the entire PSG&RC. I’m sure some non- single family owners would like to have their modem installation moved but not available.

Don Jancin

Updated Masters Informational Sheet

Don Jancin revised the Masters Informational Sheet.

The document can be download from here as either an Excel file, or a pdf file. You will also find links to these documents on our Documents page which you can find on our menu on the left of all pages.

MASTERS Informational Sheet – Excel File

MASTERS Informational Sheet – pdf file

Time to sign up for 2019 Bocce

Return to Bocce League Page

Masters Residents

Terry Mountford, Bocce Chairman  covered at our Welcome Back party on November 1 that we are requesting those interested in playing in the Masters Bocce League To sign up now to permit planning. Playing will be on Friday afternoons from 3:30 – 5:00 starting January 11, 2019,  Same as prior years.

The target is to establish teams, schedule and issue by early December. There will be ten teams and captains have volunteered for all teams.

If you signed up at the Welcome Back Party you do not need to respond to this memo.

Send a note  to:   to indicate if playing or not playing! If only one member of a household is playing be sure to indicate name playing.

The Bocce committee will send out a confirming list of replies before establishing teams. The committee would appreciate a timely reply .


Donald J Jancin

Return to Bocce Page