November 8, 2019
Under the guidance of the Masters ARC, two working groups, Aesthetics and Operations, are tackling this important community project.
The Operations working group has updates for three aspects:
Roof Cleaning – Roofs are regularly cleaned with algaecide to kill and prevent the growth of algae, mold and mildew on the decorative cement roof tiles. The Operations team talked to various firms and looked at the chemical compounds that they use.
At our next committee meeting we will look at our options and make recommendations to the Board for consideration at the December 11 meeting.
Repainting – We have been in discussions with the Sherwin Williams paint expert regarding the need to repaint in 2020. Sherwin Williams has provided some valuable input.
We will discuss this and other considerations at our Paint Committee meeting and make recommendations for Board consideration at the December 11 meeting.
In the meantime, we are busy identifying maintenance concerns that owners need to attend to prior to painting. Beginning Monday, our Operations working group will be walking around the community to assess requirements.
Quality of paint – In 2012, we selected Sherwin Williams paint, with a 7-year warranty and typically repainted in eight to nine years. Now up for consideration is a more superior Sherwin Williams paint with a 12-year warranty and typically repainted in 12 to 15 years.
Basically, homes painted in 2020 could be repainted 2035. A cost benefit analysis will be done to determine the best option.
The Aesthetics working group has been busy considering:
Color options – We have visited other communities, reviewed the Gleneagles colors, and looked at our current color schemes. Our thoughts are to recommend 10 color schemes. Allowing for reversal between base and trim, there would be 20 member choices.
New light fixtures – Gleneagles did a great job in changing up many of their fixtures to more modern styles. We will also be looking at providing options.
Dikran Ohannessian, Former member Masters ARC Committee