Note from Cambridge Management regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Dear Board President & Members of the Board of Directors

We are in the middle of an extraordinary health crisis in this country and throughout the world due to the global pandemic surrounding COVID-19. As this pandemic continues there are daily developments with event cancellations, travel restrictions, school closings and more. Industry Specialists, such as local law offices and the local and national chapters of Community Association Institute (CAI) are operating under modified procedures and have canceled educational seminars and meetings for the near future. We recognize that this pandemic has an impact on our local community associations and Cambridge Management is trying to anticipate and plan for the possible effects of this situation on our clients.

As your management team, we want you and the community members to know that we have systems in place to ensure continued management of your community and individual needs. Our offices remain open on a normal business schedule at this time. In the event we need to make changes, we will alert you as soon as possible. Please be reassured to know that our Managers and support staff have the ability to work remotely and we will do our best to ensure all tasks are completed timely and efficiently.

The situation remains very fluid and we encourage everyone to follow the latest guidance and updates from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. It is important to recognize, however, that Cambridge Management and its’ employees are not health care professionals. The CDC and other qualified health officials should continue to be the primary source of current information and guidance. It is our goal to simply offer general, precautionary guidance from officials and adding some common-sense guidelines for our industry.

Below are steps that may be appropriate for your consideration:

  • Many Community Associations have decided to cancel or postpone Board of Directors and/or committee meetings, Annual meetings and social functions. We believe given the current circumstances, cancellations and postponements are a practical course of action. It will be up to each individual Board of Directors to determine if they wish to cancel meetings. It is important to note that the current closings of Libraries, municipal buildings and other meeting locations may directly affect your ability to hold a meeting if the meeting is at such a location. 
  • Some Board of Directors are choosing to hold meetings via telephone conference which can be permitted under law (some restrictions and specific requirements may apply). Most attorneys have provided a guidance memorandum regarding these matters. However, as things are changing quickly there are sure to be further developments and recommendations. In many instances it may be appropriate to consult your legal counsel to ensure the Association acts within its’ authority.
  • Work with your designated management team to communicate with your membership often, explaining measures that are being taken in your community where applicable and providing resource information from the CDC and other local, state and federal health resources. With the large amount of media attention on the COVID-19, we would encourage our Board of Directors to simply direct owners and residents to the resources provided below for information and have the Association focus their communication with regard to this pandemic to only the ways in which the Community Association is directly affected.

For more information and resources, please visit the following links:

This is a unique situation for all of us. Therefore, patience, flexibility, common sense and a little creativity will go a long way.  Please know that we are here to provide support to your community and all its residents. The Cambridge Management Team remains dedicated to providing exceptional service to all of our clients. We will continue to provide updates, as needed. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your management team directly.

Thank you,

Cambridge Management of SWFL
(239) 249-7000

Board of Directors Workshop Meeting – March 17, 2020

This meeting is cancelled – see note at



DATE: March 17, 2020
TIME:  3:00 P.M.

PLACE:  Sound Room at Pelican Sound
Golf and River Club Estero, FL 33928


  1. Call to Order                                                          BE
  2. Proof of Notice                                                      DJ
  3. Directors discussion on issues/options from
    Attorney’s opinion received regarding roof          cleaning/Painting                                               ALL                       
  4. Other issues – scheduled social events, etc.     ALL
  5. Next meeting date                                                 BE
  6. Adjournment                                                          BE

This meeting will be limited to Board Member discussion on current issues.      No formal decisions will be approved.                          

Ciao Bocce 2020

Monday, March 30th 2020

Join us and celebrate another fantastic year of Masters Community Bocce.

All masters residents are welcome. Even if you didn’t play Bocce this year, come and cheer on your neighbors and join us for dinner.

The food this year is Italian fare catered by The Olive Garden:

Pasta Main Course: Lasagna, Spaghetti, Ziti, and Rotini.

Special note: Gluten-free and lactose-free options are available.

Your meal includes: Garden Salad & Bread Sticks, Iced Tea & Dessert.

Cost is $15 pp to be paid by check only made out to Gwen Swanger. Place your check in the box outside Gwen’s door at 21835 Masters Cir. Payment deadline is March 25th.

Please CLICK HERE to sign-up for this event.

CLICK HERE to see list of processed registrations. There can be several hours of delay between the submission of a reservation, and it appearing on the list.


  • 3:00 Bocce Play-offs
  • 5:00 Bar Open at the River Club
  • 5:30 Dinner
  • 6:30 Program

Guidelines – Garage & Entryway Light Fixtures

A Pelican Sound ARC form must be submitted, please see details further below.

For those considering new fixtures, these should be installed prior to the painting of the homes, scheduled to begin in October of 2020. This will ensure proper paint coverage if the face plate of your new fixtures are a different shape than your current fixtures.

Garage Light Guidelines

You can purchase your light fixtures from any retailer as long as they meet the guidelines listed below.

Helpful hint:  Make sure that the bottom of the new garage lights are at least 56″ off the ground. 

Size: The entire fixture must be a minimum of 18 inches and a maximum of 25 inches. (Arrow indicates where to measure. From the tallest part of the fixture, to the bottom of the fixture.

Color:  Black, bronze or brushed nickel.

Glass:  Clear, seeded, wavy or frosted glass is acceptable. No colored glass.

Pelican Sound has an additional requirement: Replacement exterior garage light fixtures shall be in keeping with the Architectural integrity of Pelican Sound; it shall incorporate a maximum total of 9wLED, 850 lumen lamp(s).  

Entryway Door Guidelines

The coordinating entryway light in the same color and group as the garage light fixtures.

Pelican Sound ARC Application

On the application, indicate the installer and light specifications. A picture, size and color of the fixtures is sufficient. Professional installation requires a licensed and insured electrician acceptable to Pelican Sound ARC.

For any questions contact Susan Cohen directly at:

For those installing fixtures themselves, the following ‘Acknowledgement of Responsibility’ form must be completed and forwarded with your ARC application. Please see downloadable file below.

Please do not Reply or place questions in the comments section.

2020 Annual Meeting Notice

On Thursday March 12, 2020 at 1:00 P.M., the Annual Meeting of the Masters Association  will be held in the Sound Room.

As of the deadline for nominations to fill the expired terms (February 11, 2020) for the three open seats on the Masters Board, only three individuals filed.

As there are three candidates for the three open slots, those who filed will be defacto elected to the Board of Directors as of the Annual Meeting on March 12, 2020.

There will be no ballots sent out and no formal vote of the membership.

Immediately after the Annual Meeting, the seated Board will hold their Organizational Meeting to elect new officers.

The candidates filing for the 2020 Board are:

  • Bill Ellis           – First year -Second term
  • Jim Swanger   – First year -Second term
  • Pat Becker      – First year- First term

We thank Pam Venosa out going Board member for her many hours of work spent on behalf of our community residents!

Please mark your calendars for our annual meeting date – March 12, 2020

Donald J Jancin
Board Secretary

Hand Crafted Greeting Cards

create your own greeting cards

The cards shown in the image above were created by Anina Bachrach and represent a small selection of the options available.

General information:
  • Cost $8 per person
  • Create 3-cards – occasion of your choosing
  • Duration – Approximately 2-hours +/-
  • 8-10 minimum attendance needed
  • 15 maximum attendance
  • Dates & location to be advised

Perhaps Easter cards are an occasion you be interested in making cards for. Please contact Anina Bachrach: * 313 207 7711

Please contact Anina directly and do not use the comments section to obtain information – Thank you!