Mailbox Damage

When your mail box is damaged you should contact Frankly Coastal Property Management as soon as possible at 239-774-7088

If possible, please advise Frankly Coastal of the vehicle plate number or name of the person who caused the damage. Frankly Coastal will send them the bill.

A repair person will be sent to your address and generally, the mailbox can be fixed within one business day. Occasionally, the mailbox has to be taken back to the shop. In those situations, the repair may take a few days.

PLEASE NOTE: The Post Office will not deliver mail to a box on the ground. Until the mailbox is fixed, place it or a container on some milk crates, a step ladder, or something similar. We understand, even just a shoe box marked mail will work, as long as it’s elevated.

Paint Committee – Status Report

November 8, 2019

Under the guidance of the Masters ARC, two working groups, Aesthetics and Operations, are tackling this important community project.

The Operations working group has updates for three aspects:

Roof Cleaning – Roofs are regularly cleaned with algaecide to kill and prevent the growth of algae, mold and mildew on the decorative cement roof tiles. The Operations team talked to various firms and looked at the chemical compounds that they use.

At our next committee meeting we will look at our options and make recommendations to the Board for consideration at the December 11 meeting.

Repainting – We have been in discussions with the Sherwin Williams paint expert regarding the need to repaint in 2020. Sherwin Williams has provided some valuable input.

We will discuss this and other considerations at our Paint Committee meeting and make recommendations for Board consideration at the December 11 meeting.

In the meantime, we are busy identifying maintenance concerns that owners need to attend to prior to painting. Beginning Monday, our Operations working group will be walking around the community to assess requirements.

Quality of paint – In 2012, we selected Sherwin Williams paint, with a 7-year warranty and typically repainted in eight to nine years. Now up for consideration is a more superior Sherwin Williams paint with a 12-year warranty and typically repainted in 12 to 15 years.

Basically, homes painted in 2020 could be repainted 2035. A cost benefit analysis will be done to determine the best option.

The Aesthetics working group has been busy considering:

Color options – We have visited other communities, reviewed the Gleneagles colors, and looked at our current color schemes. Our thoughts are to recommend 10 color schemes. Allowing for reversal between base and trim, there would be 20 member choices.

New light fixtures – Gleneagles did a great job in changing up many of their fixtures to more modern styles. We will also be looking at providing options.

Dikran Ohannessian, Former member Masters ARC Committee

Board of Directors Agenda


DATE: November 8, 2019

TIME: 3:00 P.M.



1 – CALL TO ORDER                                                              B. Ellis

2 – DETERMINATION of QUORUM                                    B. Ellis

3 – PROOF OF NOTICE                                                         D. Jancin


      Amendment to MARCH 26, 2019 minutes                 D. Jancin


       President                                                                        B. Ellis

       V.P                                                                                  J. Swanger

       Secretary                                                                       D. Jancin

      Treasurer                                                                    P. Venosa

6 – Committee Reports

       Website Committee                                                      J. Roberts

       ARC Committee                                                             D. Ohannessian

  Paint Committee                                                  D. Ohannessian

7 – PROPERTY MANAGEMENT                                            H. Keel


          Resident Complaint                                                  B. Ellis


    GOVERNANCE                                                      D. Ohannessian / D. Jancin

STRUCTURE OF ASSESSMENTS                           D. Ohannessian

    LANDSCAPE POLICY UPDATE  etc.                                D. Jancin

     INSURANCE RENEWALS                                              H. Keel

    MAIL BOX REPLACEMENT                                          B. Ellis

  Board Contingency Reserve                                  J. Swanger/ D. Jancin

    Masters 2020 Budget (four issues)                                        P. Venosa

10 – Resident Open Forum                                                            B. Ellis

11 – Next Meeting – DECEMBER 11, 2019 9:00 A.M.                B. Ellis

12 – MEETING Adjournment                                                      B. Ellis

Masters Christmas Party Sunday, December 8

Pelican Sound Clubhouse: 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM $28. PP++

The New Club House is the venue for our event this year. Dress is seasonal casual, and we ask you to please wear your name badges. See agenda below sign-up links.

Haven’t signed-up yet? Check your email for a link to the reply form or:

CLICK HERE for the signup form.    

Not sure if you’ve already signed-up?

CLICK HERE to check the list of attendees.


5:00 PM – Appetizers in the Pelican Pub                 

6:30 PM – Buffet opens in the Vista room with open seating at tables of eight or 10. Join your neighbors!

Based on the many favorable comments last year the Committee elected to use the same menu. Please see menu further below.


The committee has hired Larry D entertainment to play from 5:30 – 8:30. We request attendees donate $5.00 per person ($10.00 per couple) towards paying for our entertainment and expenses at the dinner.

We use the honor system with a name list and box for deposit at the front desk. Just check off your name and deposit money in the box. We appreciate everyone’s support. Please bring exact amount.


The committee has arranged for photos to be taken at our Christmas Party. Jade Regalado has graciously volunteered to be the photographer.

Photos will be taken as you enter, and group photos by request are also available during the evening.

All photos will be sent to the Masters website. From there, you can select any photo to be downloaded to your computer. Instructions on downloading will be available on the website.


5:00 Appetizers

Holiday Cheese Display featuring Almond Baked Brie, Seasonal Berry Garnishes, Sliced Artisan Breads and Crackers

Passed Hors d’oeuvres’:

Italian Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms, Shrimp Cocktail

6:30 Dinner Buffet

Soups: Roasted Butternut Squash and Sweet Ginger Bisque, ~Basket of Holiday Rolls and Whipped Butter~

Artisan Lettuces with Assorted Toppings and Dressings (Small Salad Bar)

Fresh Green Beans with Crispy Shallots and Fresh Cranberry, Spinach and Grilled Artichoke Soufflé, Wild Mushroom Risotto, Grilled Salmon Filet with Heirloom Sweet Tomato & Chive Ragout


Garlic and Herb Slow Roasted Beef Tenderloin, with Fresh Horseradish, Horseradish Cream and Red Wine Demi Glace

Dessert: (plated display)

Pumpkin Pie, Holiday Yule Logs:  Chocolate and Vanilla, and Platter of Assorted Sugar Cookies decorated with Holiday Fun.

Best wishes for the holidays and we hope everyone has an enjoyable evening with neighbors. If you have any questions regarding our event, please contact a committee member:

Committee Members:
Mary Grace Gallagher, Annie Brown, Marilyn DeFrancesca, Christine Mantila, Carol Roberts

Image result for christmas in florida

Board of Directors Workshop Meeting




DATE:  Wednesday, October 30, 2019

TIME:   9:00 AM

PLACE:  Lakes Room, River Club, at Pelican Sound Golf and River Club, Estero, FL 33928


1.    Call to Order

2.    Proof of Notice

3.    Budget Workshop

4.    Next BOD Meeting Date: November 8, 2019

5.    Adjournment

Please Note: This is a Workshop session only. No formal decisions or reports by officers or committees.

Welcome Back Party – Final note – Golf tee assignments

Editor’s note: The Welcome Back Dinner is $15 per attendee. Please bring a check payable to Don Jancin, or if paying by cash have it in an envelope with your name on the outside.

Masters Residents, Renters & Guests

We are looking forward to seeing you at the “Welcome Back Party” outdoors at the PSG&RC Racquet Club lanai this Thursday, November 7, 2019, 3:30 pm until 7:30 pm.

There will be a ‘golfing scramble event’ earlier, followed by a challenging golf putting contest at the putting green.

After, there will be social time, Happy Hour, and dinner at the Racquet Club lanai. This is intended to be a casual gathering, houseguests and renters are welcome and encouraged to join in.

We will have two new neighbors also attending.  Everyone as always,   Please wear your name badges


1:00 pm  Golf Scramble event

2:45 pm  Golf Putting Event – Putting green

3:30 pm  Move to Racquet Club Lanai – social time

4:50 pm  Eric Long and Travis Childers

5:15 pm  Dinner will start

6:15 pm  Event Prizes 


The golf outing (scramble format) will start at 1 pm on the Lakes Course. Golfers are asked to be ready at 12:45 pm at the range.

Event instructions will be on each cart. Holes two and six will have a closest to the pin, reminder to record all shots on the green!

Make sure you have plenty of water with you when leaving to play.


The golf putting event will start at 2:45 pm for non-golfers and golfers as they finish their scramble event. Players should bring their putter and a golf ball.

If you don’t have them, we will supply them. This year’s event will be more challenging – any two players can be a team – You must alternate shots through all 6 holes.

We will have different size holes at different holes to test skills, and have a number of prizes for winners

The club will not have a portable  drink cart at the Golf putting range; We will have bottle water available .


We expect to proceed to the Racquet club at 3:30. The bar will be open.

The initial hour is social time. Prior to dinner, Eric Long and Travis Childers will give latest updates on Club Project and services.  Dinner will follow and then we have many prizes for events or just attending.


The cost for our Welcome Back will be $15 per attendee. There will be a table for paying and make sure your name is crossed off.

Payment can be by check to Don Jancin or if cash, please put in an envelope with your names on it.


We will have Famous Dave’s catering our event. It will include roasted chicken, pulled pork ( naked ), rolls if you prefer sandwich, cornbread, coleslaw, and baked beans, along with dessert chosen by the committee. Sauces for pulled pork will be on side for you to chose and add.


MASTERS GOLF – Shot Gun Start 1:00 P.M.  11 07   2019
Mert & Pat Becker1A
Brian & Cynthia Cecca1A
Arnold & Christine Mantilia1B
Norm & Ann Zeig1B
Ben & Carmelita Albano2A
Ed & Emma Mayuga2A
Dennis & Joann Olson3A
Michael & Pris Thibodo3A
Scott & Mary Grace Gallagher3B
Ric & Jan Ellis3B
Erich Knehans & Cheryl Nabolz4A
Tim & Mary Anne Bartholomew     ( guests)4A
Roger & Linda Farmer4B
Jim & Lynn Van Auken4B
Tim & Celeste Eaton5A
Henry & Jill Geise5A
John & Marty Fenton5B
Jerry & Mary Ellen Vasile5B
Kevin Carey6A
Al Warf6A
Tony Albertini6A
Ken & Nancy Freeman6B
Jim & Kathy Leonard6B
Bill & Sharon Ellis7A
Allan & Pam Scott7A
George Cheatham & Jean Dugan7B
Roger & Carol Roberts7B
Charles Bendetta8A
Rosemarie Addy8A
Russ Frith8A
Patrick Broesch8A
Larry Hannah & Michele Towey8B
James & Alma McClure8B
Richard & Diane Calcasola9A
Phil & Suzanne Campbell9A
Kurt & JoAnne Blumenthal9B
Bruce & Monika Clark9B

Committee Members:
Don Jancin ( Co-Chair)
Cynthia Cecca ( Co-Chair)
Dikran Ohannessian
June Roberts
Bruce Clark
Arnold Mantilia
Phillip Sherman
Roger Roberts
Carol Roberts

Date Change: Welcome Back Party

The new Pelican Sound Club House is rapidly progressing to completion but not in time for our Welcome Back Party originally planned for Sunday, November 3, 2019.

The revised date is Thursday, November 7, 2019, with golf at 1:00 p.m., and 3:00 p.m. for all other attendees.

Please Note: Dinner will be at the Racquet Club Patio.

Golfers, please think about who you want to play with before sign-up is available. Naturally, the committee assigns any players that don’t have a preference.

The committee is currently in planning stages given the changes received  from club management. A formal sign up will be available in 7 – 10 days.

We look forward to seeing everyone.

Don Jancin

Committee Members:

Don Jancin, Cynthia Cecca, Roger Roberts, Phil Sherman, Terry Mountford, Carol Roberts, Dikran Ohannessian, June Roberts.

2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

The Masters at Pelican Sound
Homeowners Association, Inc.
Minutes of Annual Meeting of Members
March 20, 2019 Pelican Sound Fitness Center – River Room

The meeting was called to order at 10:08 A.M. by Board President Marcy Holtz

A Quorum of Members was established by Steve Hart from Collier Financial with 73 Homeowners represented in person or by proxy.

Proof of Notice – Notices were mailed per statute.

Board members Present: Marcy Holtz, Pam Venosa, Nancy Freeman, Bill Ellis, Jim Swanger

Also present: Heather Keel, Cambridge Property Management; Steve Hart, Collier Financial; and Richard DeBoest, attorney

Reading or Waiver of 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes – A motion was made and seconded to waive the reading of the 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes. Motion passed by voice vote of the membership; the minutes were approved.

There were no nominations from the floor.

The Masters attorney, Richard DeBoest was asked to attend the meeting and presented information concerning the changes and/or rewording of the Declarations and By-Laws. He also responded to questions from the residents.

Presidents Report- Marcy Holtz thanked the ad hoc document review committee for their dedicated work to make the amended and restated documents available for this meeting. She also mentioned the importance of resident’s checking their mailing address with Collier Financial (our corporate office) if they are going to be in residence for many months as the document package containing the ballot and proxy forms were mailed to out-of-town addresses

Treasurers Report- Bill Ellis reported that the association is on sound footing and nothing stands out as being out of line. Painting reserve will get another year to accrue.

ARC Landscape Report –Jim Swanger reported that typical things have been approved. 1 new roof approved. 2 fruit trees approved for removal.

Property Management Report – Heather Keen explained rollover and waiver of CPA.
She announced the following: Rollover 2019 Association funds: 73 in favor; 0 opposed
Waive CPA compilation of 2019 financial report: 67 in favor, 5 opposed, 1 abstention
Approve Seconded Amended and Restated Declarations and Bylaws: 63 in favor, 10 opposed.

Announcement of Board of Directors –Four owners ran for two positions available on the Board, they were: Russell Frith, Marcy Holtz, Don Jancin, Dikran Ohannessian. The two owners with the most votes were elected to the board. The 2019 Board of Directors is:
Bill Ellis, Don Jancin, Dikran Ohannessian, Jim Swanger, Pam Venosa

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 A.M.

Social Schedule 2020


Listed here is the schedule available at this point in time. Kindly note that all events are subject to change.

You may wish to note the dates in your calendar for planning, however the events will also be listed on the Masters Website Calendar.

Monday March 30, 2020 –  Bocce Playoffs & Masters Party (River Club)Gwen Swanger, Wendy Paquette, Ron Paquette

Tuesday, April 14, 2020 – Masters Season Closing: Spring Picnic & Golf – Jerry Vasile, Mary Ellen Vasile, Michele Towey,  Phil Sherman.

The Masters Circle Social Committee Co-Chairs:     

Cynthia Cecca

Donald J Jancin