Board Organizational Meeting Minutes March 16, 2021

The Masters at Pelican Sound Homeowners Association, Inc.

Minutes from the Organizational Meeting held March 16, 2021 via ZOOM Teleconference

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:10 P.M.

Quorum- A quorum of the board was noted with the following Board Members Present: Don Jancin, Bill Ellis, Jim Swanger, Susan Cohen and Dikran Ohannessian.

Proof of Notice – Notices were mailed by per statute.

Election of Officers:

A motion was made by Don Jancin to accept Bill Ellis’s resignation from the Board of Directors. The Motion was seconded by Susan Cohen and passed unanimously.

A Motion was made by Don Jancin to appoint Celeste Eaton to the Board of Directors to fill the vacant seat previously held by Bill Ellis. The Motion was seconded by Dikran Ohannessian and passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Don Jancin for the following slate of Officers for 2021:

Dikran Ohannessian – President

Don Jancin – Secretary

Jim Swanger – Vice President      

Susan Cohen – Treasurer                       

Celeste Eaton- Director & Chair for ARC/Landscape Committee

 The motion was seconded by Jim Swanger and passed unanimously.

A Motion was made by Don Jancin to appoint June Roberts as the Chair of the Website Committee. The Motion was seconded by Susan Cohen and passed unanimously.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1:26 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Heather Keel, CAM

Cambridge Property Management

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