Community Emergency Process

  • Advance Preparation – Frankly Coastal Property Managment issues notification to residents then information posted on Masters website
  • Formal communications after storm – issued by Frankly Coastal representative or Masters Board member in charge through Masters website using blast notice and posting
  • Community clean up – Streets and driveways covered under emergency agreement with Greenscapes. Balance of community debris requires authorization from Masters to Cambridge to Greenscapes
  • Cambridge/Greenscapes – walk community when possible, and notify any homeowner with large trees /damage that is not covered under normal debris cleanup.

Secretary’s Notes – April 14, 2021 Meeting


The Board approved the purchase of 65 new Boxes (non-budgeted) to replace broken and/or missing boxes. In addition, the Board approved increasing vendor services from a quarterly basis to every other month starting with June and moving forward.

This change, along with the recent short term monthly service in February and March, will require us to exceed our annual service budget. The Board will address the budgeting issue in the fall after considering several possible options.


It was noted that due to painting of houses this year we deferred mulching planned for last November until after houses were painted in late April 2021. The question was raised whether it is practical to mulch all houses again this November. In September, the Board will seek Greenscapes’ recommendations.


We continue to see wearing of units due to local environment in Florida, unprocessed water from sprinklers, and material cover at bottom of mailbox pole. General research has indicated that possibly all mailboxes, irrespective of type, are adversely impacted by the Florida environment.

Currently, the Board is not willing to address other possible actions until we eliminate the sprinkler head problem. We are currently 3-years+ into the 7-year life expectancy of the mail box unit

The Board had Greenscapes run a test on every property to determine if current location of the sprinkler head closest to the box was impacting its finish. They recommended that 60 sprinklers be relocated at around $68 per sprinkler adjustment.

It was noted that previous Boards encountered similar observations and requested homeowners to correct the situation. Some did at that time. Owners with sprinkler heads needing adjustment will be notified to have Greenscapes adjust the sprinkler heads.


Our project is rapidly coming to a completion the week of April 19th. There will be extra staff during the week to complete any punch list items received from houses painted earlier in the year. Homeowner cooperation is required to insure their issues are resolved. A letter will be issued by the paint committee to homeowners with final instructions.


General reminder that annual hurricane season is approaching. The Board requests that homeowners check our Masters website directory to ensure their personal information is correct as this is the source of information should we need to contact you.

There also will be a tab on website for EMERGENCY CONTACTS (under construction) for community, village and county contacts.


The Board is undergoing vendor performance review for all of our service contractors to ensure proper service delivery.


The Canopy program has been closed by the Board and remaining trees to be planted will be held until water restrictions are removed. Greenscapes will determine best time to plant.

CVPC Pipes

It has come to our attention that there may be issues with breaking CVPC water pipes in our homes. Pinehurst has formed a working group to determine if any mitigation is needed. We’ll keep you posted.


Developing ten year capital plan with PSG&RC facilities being 20 years + old. Homeowners should expect tax increases as plans are implemented

Donald J Jancin, Masters Board secretary

(Note: These are not official minutes)

Board Minutes – February 18, 2021

The Masters at Pelican Sound Homeowners Association, Inc.

Minutes from the Board of Directors Meeting held February 18, 2021 via ZOOM Teleconference

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 9:02 A.M.

Quorum- A quorum of the board was noted with the following Board Members Present: Don Jancin, Bill Ellis, Jim Swanger, Susan Cohen and Dikran Ohannessian.

Proof of Notice – Notices were mailed by per statute.

Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes:

A Motion was made by Don Jancin to waive the reading and approve the meeting minutes of December 12, 2020. The Motion was seconded by Dikran Ohannessian and passed unanimously.

Roofing Update: A summary of the ongoing roof replacements and inventory of homes with roofing litigation was discussed. A list of homes with new roofs, homes in litigation and homes with no change will be posted on the community website.

Website Committee: It was reported that the Committee is making improvements to the processes for access to information. Some changes to the appearance of the page will occur, for example, the login in section of the site will be relocated to the top of the page. The committee is preparing to send a survey to the Community Members to obtain feedback on owner usage and recommended improvements to the site.

Master Paint Project: A review of the current painting project was provided. In general, the contract is doing well and making progress in accordance with the schedule.

Old Business:

Greenscapes Contracts: Updated contracts have been obtained from Greenscapes for their landscape services. The hurricane response language has been added to the maintenance contract and will no longer be a separate agreement.

A Motion was made by Don Jancin to accept the Greenscapes Landscape Contract with a three-year term. The Motion was seconded by Dikran Ohannessian and passed unanimously.

A discussion regarding the proposal for leaf cleanup up at a cost of $975.00 per occurrence was discussed and the matter was deferred until a later date.

New Business:

Tree Canopy Project: To date there have been five tree replacements requested and approved by the Board of Directors.

Mailbox Review Program: Don Jancin and Dikran Ohannessian conducted a full review of all existing mailboxes within the Community. In addition, they met with Heather Keel and the owner of ASAP Mailbox onsite to review the deterioration and possible solutions to the current state of the mailboxes. The largest factor in the deterioration are the sprinkler heads located adjacent to the mailboxes which are directly spraying the mailbox post. Greenscapes will be asked to inventory the homes in which a sprinkler head is located in the vicinity of the mailbox at each home. An estimate to relocate individual sprinkler heads has been obtained. Additional action will be taken on this matter at a later date once additional information is obtained.

Rodent Bait Stations: The Association has a contract with Armstrong Pest Control to bait the rodent stations quarterly. It has been requested that Armstrong inspect each home’s rodent boxes and provide a report of any missing or broken boxes. In addition, due to increased rodent activity, a discussion was held to increase the rodent baiting to monthly for the months of February, March and April.

A Motion was made by Don Jancin to increase the rodent baiting to monthly for the months of February, March and April 2021. The Motion was seconded by Dikran Ohannessian and passed unanimously.

Management was asked to also have Armstrong Pest Control to report of the areas in the community that have the highest level of consumption so that we have a better understanding of where the most rodent activity is.

Adjournment: There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 A.M.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Heather Keel, CAM

Cambridge Property Management

Board Organizational Meeting Minutes March 16, 2021

The Masters at Pelican Sound Homeowners Association, Inc.

Minutes from the Organizational Meeting held March 16, 2021 via ZOOM Teleconference

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:10 P.M.

Quorum- A quorum of the board was noted with the following Board Members Present: Don Jancin, Bill Ellis, Jim Swanger, Susan Cohen and Dikran Ohannessian.

Proof of Notice – Notices were mailed by per statute.

Election of Officers:

A motion was made by Don Jancin to accept Bill Ellis’s resignation from the Board of Directors. The Motion was seconded by Susan Cohen and passed unanimously.

A Motion was made by Don Jancin to appoint Celeste Eaton to the Board of Directors to fill the vacant seat previously held by Bill Ellis. The Motion was seconded by Dikran Ohannessian and passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Don Jancin for the following slate of Officers for 2021:

Dikran Ohannessian – President

Don Jancin – Secretary

Jim Swanger – Vice President      

Susan Cohen – Treasurer                       

Celeste Eaton- Director & Chair for ARC/Landscape Committee

 The motion was seconded by Jim Swanger and passed unanimously.

A Motion was made by Don Jancin to appoint June Roberts as the Chair of the Website Committee. The Motion was seconded by Susan Cohen and passed unanimously.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1:26 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Heather Keel, CAM

Cambridge Property Management

Agenda: Board Meeting, April 14, 2021




DATE: April 14, 2021  TIME:  3:00 P.M.


1.  Call to Order                                                DO

2.  Determination of a Quorum                    DO

3.  Proof of Notice                                            DJ

4.  Approval of Minutes 2/17 & 03/16 DJ                                         

5.  Officers & Committee Reports                DO

6.  Cambridge Property Management         HK

7.  Old Business                     

  – Paint Committee updates                                     SC

  – Canopy Program Status                                         JS

  – ARC Document Change – Shady lady trees        JS

  – Cambridge – Rat Service / Quotes                       HK            

  – Cambridge – Mailboxes, Greenscapes Quotes   HK                     

8.            New Business

   – Vendor Analysis Project                  DO                

9. Residents signed up-check “raise hand” on zoom

10.         Next meeting                                                            

11.         Adjournment                             DO

Secretary’s Notes: Masters Annual Meeting & Reorganization Meeting – March 16, 2021

Board Members Election – there were two positions open and only two applicants, Donald Jancin and Dikran Ohannessian, each for their 2nd term in office expiring in 2023.

Bill Ellis current Board member through 2022 advised the Board that he will not be able to continue as a Board Member for personal reasons and was resigning effective March 16, 2021. The Board thanked him for his three years of service to the Association and community residents.

Celeste Eaton – The Board members appointed Celeste Eaton to replace Bill Ellis for the balance of his term which expires next year.

Officers Elected for the year 2022:

President             Dikran Ohannessian     term expires – 2023

Vice President    Jim Swanger                  term expires – 2022

Secretary             Don Jancin                      term expires –  2023

Treasurer            Susan Cohen                   term expires – 2022

ARC Chair            Celeste Eaton                term expires – 2022

Permanent Committee Appointment:

June Roberts – Masters Website Chair

Masters Association Annual Meeting

On Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 1:00 p.m. ET, the Annual Meeting of the Association will be held for the purpose of electing Directors and such other business as may lawfully be conducted. Due to restrictions regarding the gathering of people to stop the spread of the Covid-19 Virus, this meeting will be conducted via Zoom Videoconferencing only.  All home owners should have received notice of this meeting from Collier Financial

Here is the proxy form that should be submitted before the meeting.

Masters Residents

Collier Financial recently sent out a second notice on The Masters Association 2021 Annual meeting to all residents that included a voting proxy for each resident to complete and mail to Collier Financial.

Although there will not be a vote for Directors having  two Board members terms expiring and only two applicants- you are still required to properly complete the Proxy form included in the memo . Lacking submission of this document will impact the Boards ability to conduct its annual meeting.

Please open, print , complete and mail to Collier Financial.

Mail To:
Masters Association
C/O Collier Financial
4985 Tamiami Trail E
Naples, FL 34113

Residents  chose to receive electronic notices for efficiency and reduced costs; They do however need to reply as Association members to formal communications;

 Our thanks to those that have responded to date.
Donald J Jancin
Masters Board Secretary