Secretary’s Notes – April 29th Board Meeting

Roof Cleaning & House Painting

The Board will proceed with 2020 roof cleaning and the Association will pay for the cleaning.

This year is unusual, with homes having new roofs, roofs in litigations and original roofs continuing to perform. Normally we would clean all roofs, but not all roofs need to be cleaned.

Our Declarations require us to clean all roofs. We will do so unless you notify us otherwise. You should have received the request asking you to acknowledge to have your roof cleaned or decline to have your roof cleaned in 2020.

The recent opinion survey showed interest in the community for residents to assume responsibility for their roof cleaning; The Board will discuss this issue at an upcoming meeting and may request a vote to make the change effective January 1, 2021.

Selection of a painting company will proceed within the next month. We will target the painting to start early January 2021. This will ensure the majority of residents are here while their homes are painted.

Shutters, housing and rails will not be painted under the Association contract. A Declaration change with a Notice for your approval will be sent in a few weeks. Note however, that homeowners may choose to paint at their own expense.


The Board approved hurricane shutters, housing and rails need only to blend with the house color and not need to match exactly. The word match was dropped from our guidelines to provide flexibility.

The Board also enhanced the Masters ARC Guidelines by requiring that: “Bird Feeders and Bird Baths are not allowed anywhere in the Masters. The feeding of wildlife is not allowed anywhere in the Masters.”


Our community has been privileged to have flags on display on key dates. This task has been undertaken by Rusty and Mary Demeules every year since our community began. We owe them a heartfelt thank you for the service they have given us all.

Days we display flags in the Masters:

Presidents Day:
3rd Monday in February
Memorial Day:
last Monday in May
Flag Day: June 14
Independence Day: July 4th
Labor Day:
1st Monday in September
Veterans Day:
November 11th
Flags are placed at each mailbox on Memorial Day and Veterans Day. For the balance of days, flags are placed at the Masters front entrance only.

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