Secretary’s Notes: September 30, 2020 BOD Meeting

Flag Committee – A committee has volunteered under Kay Howard, Chairperson to accept responsibility from Rusty and Mary Demeules who have handle this task for twenty years. 

Carol Roberts and Celeste Eaton will be working with Kay Howard; They have  noted that we will need to replace flags in the near future.

AD Hoc Committee – Masters Arc Rules and Landscaping rules update; Committee has updated documents ready for release. We have learned that a change in Florida statute requires these documents to be posted in Lee County; appropriate steps are being completed to comply with recent new regulation.

Paint Committee – The committee is finalizing details in preparation for January 4, 2021 start.

Major point: This year in not just a repaint but rather every home has option of new colors; The committee on or about October 10, 2020 will be mailing to residents a confirmation of the house colors chosen they have on file. It is required that each homeowner review and confirm in writing their selected colors. The homeowner confirmation will be the basis for the final Florida Painters schedule from the committee.

Masters Board Members: 

The Board accepted the resignation of Pat Becker as a Board member. Susan Cohen was appointed to the Board and appointed ARC Chairperson.

RESIDENTS SPECIAL MEETING: It was noted that only 30 residents had voted on our documents proposed changes to date. We only require 30 votes to have a quorum at scheduled meeting. The Board urged all residents to vote their opinion or accept the position of the thirty residents voting.

Donald J Jancin, Secretary