Advisory Notice 1:49 pm 8/28/2019

Tropical Storm Dorian Advisory in Florida

Dear Masters Homeowners,

Please be advised that we may be facing a moderate to severe storm (“Dorian”) here in Southwest Florida. It is still unclear as to the expected severity of the storm, however, we are closely monitoring its progress. I will provide a more definitive update, as soon as, we receive an advisory.

What Can Owners Do To Prepare Vacant Units?

We highly recommend that you take precautionary measures to secure your unit if you have not already done so before leaving for the summer, such as…

  • Have lanai furniture, and anything that could potentially be a trajectory, fastened or brought inside.
  • Secure hurricane shutters.
  • Have a Homewatch, neighbor, or friend clean out the refrigerator in the event we lose power.
  • Have a Homewatch, neighbor, or friend check your unit once the storm passes, and notify Management right away if you notice signs of water intrusion.

What Measures Will Management Take?

  • We will have the landscapers turn off the irrigation system (if it is not already, some communities do this during rainy season).
  • Once the storm passes, we will tour the property to take note of any damage or potential issues. The landscapers will be out to clear any debris if necessary.
  • An email will be sent out to owners if there are any significant damages to common areas that you should be aware of.
  • If Dorian turns into a significant hurricane, Management will arrange an inspection of all upper-level units.

Please keep in mind that during the storm, depending on the severity, EMS and vendors will not venture out. There is always the possibility of power outages that also can delay response times and therefore we ask that you evaluate the emergency and take the following actions:

  • If the emergency involves a life threatening situation, contact 911 for direction by EMS
  • If the emergency involves property damage, do your best to temporarily correct the issue and contact management by both email and the emergency service

Please keep in mind that the volume of calls and environmental situation may result in a delayed response but all calls and emails will be returned as quickly as possible.

If you wish to monitor the storm, you may refer to a local weather channel or visit the National Hurricane Center’s website at

Thank you,

Heather Keel

Community Association Manager (CAM)

Cambridge Management of SWFL

9001 Highland Woods Blvd. Suite 7

Bonita Springs, FL 34135

telephone (239) 249 – 7000

fax (239) 405-8291

House Paint Working Teams

The two working groups have now been formed to look at introducing new house color schemes.

The Aesthetics working group led by Pat Becker will include: Marilyn DeFrancesca, Celeste Eaton, Mary Grace Gallagher, Cheryl Nabholz and Sue Plummer. They will be responsible for color selection, approvals and homeowner sign-off. Jean Bodnar will act as the color consultant to the working group.

The Operations working group led by Ellen Hedlund will include: Peter Bodnar, Nelson Burr, Susan Cohen and Ric Ellis. They will be responsible for preparing houses for painting, the bid process and painting through to the distribution of the leftover paint.

The working teams will be guided and supported by the Masters ARC Committee working with the Masters Board.

Many in the community volunteered to serve on the working groups, unfortunately due to the need to limit the working group numbers, we could not choose all who showed an interest. We truly regret not being able to select all of you.

The working teams will begin their work during the off-season and be ready to hit the road running when the next season starts.

Dikran Ohannessian

Secretary’s Report to Members

Masters Board Meeting April 16, 2019

The Board approved the 2020 Paint Committee Chairman’s establishment of working groups towards the potential painting late in 2020.

The Chairmen has issued a request for other volunteers to support the working  groups. This is a major community project for the year 2020. There is a Masters House Painting Project section on our website that will contain information as available.

The Board discussed the operational plans for this summer/ fall period with many away from the Masters. Details included actions needed if severe storms or incidents take place, along with normal operations. Cambridge Management will be a focal point for reporting on hurricanes etc. to Board members. Emergency contacts are in place, as needed.

Residents are reminded that the Board plans to use our community website for updated communication for the many residents that are not in the Masters.

Donald J Jancin

Masters Secretary


Backflow Valves – info and comments

A backflow preventer is a device that’s installed on your home’s water pipes that allows water to flow in one direction but never in the opposite direction. Its sole job is to prevent drinking water from being contaminated due to backflow.

typical configuration of a backflow preventer

The backflow preventer is in front of the house near your driveway. It’s typically 12 feet from the road, with the pipe coming up from the ground in a u-shape; about 2 feet above ground with a mechanism in the middle.

LEE COUNTY ORDINANCE 95-21, states that the customers responsibility begins at the service connection with the public potable water system and includes all of the customers’ private water system. The customer shall protect the private water system against actual or potential cross connection or backflow as required by the Lee County Utilities Cross-Connection Control Policy, the Standard Plumbing Code and all other-applicable state or federal regulations.

Furthermore, the customer shall provide for routine testing of backflow prevention devices, maintain accurate records of tests and repairs made to the devices. However, Lee county Utilities does not require annual inspections or filing with their department. The owner is responsible for maintaining maintenance records in the event of an incident.

All costs incurred for device purchases, installations, maintenance, testing and repairs are to be paid by the customer.

As for possible service providers, we do not recommend any specific vendor since there are many available;

Neighbors who required and used a service provided the following:

  • United Plumbing   239-482-3888
  • Watermark Redevelopment 239-994-7946
  • All Phase Plumbing 239-945-0126

submitted by Donald J Jancin – 4/19/2019

Content Submission Format

The website committee is available to post information and send out blast emails to residents on our list. We do not create the content, but are willing to assist you with this.

Your submission will be edited for flow and clarity, and will then be sent back to you for sign-off prior to posting. Cut and paste is tricky for this website but we will do our best to clean things up with consistent formatting.

Please send an email to info@masters33928 using the format shown below.

Date posting required

Please give us as much lead-time as you can.

Subject or Title:

Less than 100 characters is optimal


Insert content, including any links, images, and the attribution – no limit on length.

Masters House Painting Project

The 2020 painting project has been launched. This is an exciting initiative as we are looking at introducing new house color schemes.

We will form two working groups; an aesthetics working group, responsible for color selection, approvals and homeowner sign-off; and an operations working group, responsible for preparing houses for painting, the bid process and painting through to the distribution of the leftover paint.

We are launching our project now to allow the working groups ample time to prepare during the off-season and be ready to hit the road running when the next season starts. It’s early, but we wanted to get a head start on the significant effort required to be ready for the start of painting in the fall of 2020.

The working teams will be guided and supported by the Masters ARC Committee, with two Committee members serving as working group leaders. The leaders are:

  • Aesthetics – Pat Becker with assistance from Sue Plummer.
  • Operations – Ellen Hedlund with assistance from Ric Ellis. 

We need three or four volunteers for each working group. Please let us know by May 1, 2019, if you are interested. Your participation is key to our success.

The Aesthetics working group is expected to commence preliminary investigations over the summer and by year-end having a good indication of our new color palettes. Their work is anticipated to wind up by April 2020. If you are interested in serving on this working group, please contact Pat at

The Operations working group will also commence preliminary investigations over the summer. We expect the busy period to be next year. Heather Keel from Cambridge Property Management will assist the team. If you are interested in serving on this working group, please contact Ellen at

We look forward to hearing from you.

Dikran Ohannessian

Masters ARC Committee

Special Request: Food Stamp Issue

Jean and Frank Lee have discovered that toilet paper is not considered a necessary item to be purchased with food stamps.

Those who are willing to contribute packages of toilet paper for distribution to the Interfaith Charity, may leave the packages at the Lee’s doorstep at: 21764 Masters Circle.

Any donations would be greatly appreciated.