
In December the Masters association will have the sable palms and hardwood trees trimmed as part of its regular maintenance program.  And as a final cleanup from hurricane Ian, the dead branches from the Canopy trees will be cleared.

At the Board meeting of November 15, there was a lot of discussions concerning clean up of dead branches and trimming of trees throughout the Masters Community and whether hurricane downed Canopy trees needed to be replaced.

Tree Trimming and Removal of Dead Branches From Trees on Your Property

If an owner has dead branches on the trees on their property (other than the Canopy trees), it is the homeowner’s responsibility to hire a contractor to clear these branches.

If you wish to take advantage of Greenscapes (with its subcontractor, Johnson Tree Services), working in the community to have your trees cleared of dead branches or additional tree maintenance, please contact Jami at Greenscapes ASAP. This work is NOT covered by the Masters Association.

I have been asked to list tree services that have worked within the Masters community. I am not endorsing these businesses. These are the contractors that I have received good reviews on the work they have completed.

  • Greenscapes of Southwest FL Office:  239-643-4471 Jamie McGarvey, Landscape Manager
  • Johnson Tree Service:  239-947-4720
  • TLS Lawn & Tree Service:  239-851-1353

Regarding tree trimming, all work is to be performed in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI A-300and Z133.1 standards) and associated Best Management Practices for Tree Pruning. Please note that trees may not be trimmed merely to improve views.

Replacement of Hurricane Downed Canopy Trees

The Association considered whether hurricane downed Canopy trees should be replaced as some members thought it might no longer be desired.

Various rules and regulations regarding trees must be considered:

General Trees

  • The Lee County Land Development Code requires one General Tree per 3000 square feet of development area.
  • 75% of the General Trees must be native trees, and no more than 25% can be palms.

Trees along the road

  • The Lee County Land Development code requires five trees per 100 linear feet along the street.
  • 75% of such trees must be native trees. 50% can be palm, however they need to be clustered, NOT lined up with equal distance between them.
  • Three palms equal one canopy tree.

Pelican Sound – Declaration

  • Paragraph 5.2 states that “Trees within a neighborhood Association that are on an easement will be maintained by the Neighborhood Association including trimming, fertilization, and replacement … If said trees are damaged as a direct result of a storm, the Neighborhood Association shall be responsible for replanting or replacing.

To ensure compliance, hurricane downed Canopy trees will be replaced.

ARC Application for Planting, Removal, or Replacement of a Tree

For your information, I have included the ARC application process:

  1. Submit Exhibit C – ARC Tree/Palm Removal and Replacement Application.
  2. When removal is approved, a replacement tree/palm may be required. If so, it will be noted in the approved application. In the event a replacement tree is required, complete the tree replacement fields.
  3. As we are single family lots, a Village of Estero “Vegetation Removal Permit,” is not required. However, every lot is required to maintain two native trees in compliance with Lee County Land Development Code. Canopy trees on a resident’s property count as native trees.

In the event of a storm or natural disaster, a tree or palm is downed or sustains significant damage that creates a hazard to buildings or safety to people, an approved ARC tree Removal and Replacement Application is waived.

If you have any questions/comments or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Celeste Eaton, Masters ARC Chair


Masters Call for Volunteers

The events and activities for our neighborhood are run by a network of many of the same volunteers. Year after year, they step-up to serve our community and certainly deserve our gratitude and appreciation.

So, as we call for volunteers, we’re also calling for new volunteers to become involved in our community. The work involved isn’t onerous and is very rewarding.

We currently have the following roles open:

Social Committee Chair:

  • Masters’ social functions includes several events, each led by an event organizer. The Chair assists and oversees the advance planning with the event organizers.
  • Book dates with PS venue and food & beverage manager (and caterer if off-site vendor), golf club manager or racquet club manager.
  • Advise Communication Committee Chair of event, create content for blast email and website posting, advise of dates for posting and follow-ups.
  • Recruit new event organizers, when required.

Finance Coordinator:

  • Volunteers at times will need small amount of funds to cover upfront costs or replenish stock. The Finance Coordinator will assist event & activity organizers raise funds through community donations and handle the funds.
  • Social Events, Christmas Decorations, Flags, Community Donations cannot be handled by the Association per legal documents.

Communication Committee Chair: (formerly website committee)

  • Review and update website content and format to keep current.
  • Review and edit blast emails and website content received from events and activities organizers, Board members, plus any ad hoc communications.
  • Training and support are provided.

Please give some thought to volunteering. If interested please contact the neighborhood association president:

P.S. – As we are heading into the new year, there will be two Board positions coming available in March. Please give some thought to volunteering for the Board as well.

Secretary’s Notes – November 15, 2022

* Resident Loss Assessment – Hurricane Ian

The Board, in addressing a needed hurricane assessment to cover unplanned expenditures, took the following actions:

  • Approved advancing funds from existing reserves, consistent with 6.4 in our bylaws. The regulations require return of the money within one year.
  • Approved a loss assessment, payable in in the first quarter of 2023. If a member prefers, payment may be made in quarterly assessments during 2023, or in one installment if needed for insurance reasons. Invoices for first quarter go out following the December 9, 2022, Board meeting.
  • Approved a loss assessment which included emergency road clearing charges. After the Board meeting, these charges were excluded reducing the loss Hurricane clean-up costs to $40,870 and the loss assessment to $408 or $102 quarterly.

* Loss Assessment – Insurance policy coverage

Residents should consider reviewing their insurance policy coverage for loss assessment as it may be claimed and the conditions for claim submission. Policies may:

  • cover loss assessments independent of policy hurricane coverage.
  • have a cap on allowed assessment.
  • allow only one assessment per event – PSGRC will most likely have an assessment.
  • define allowable expenses in assessment – i.e. must be physical property versus cleanup.

Cambridge Property Management will prepare appropriate documentation for residents to submit to their insurance company.

* Tree Damage on Residents’ Side or Rear of Property

A number of trees have dead or broken branches which removal is the responsibility of the resident. It was noted that Greenscapes will be trimming Sable Palms early to mid-December and if residents choose, they may request a quote from Greenscapes for the removal of dead or broken branches to be performed at the time sable palms are cut. This might be the most economical means as Greenscapes will already be in every back yard.

Residents can email Jami for a quote at: They should make sure they include that the work is to be done at time of sable palm cutting.

* Streetlights

Several streetlights are out and replacement light bulbs have been requested.

* Street tree canopy

Residents raised the question of whether we want to replace damaged trees within the “canopy area” of street. The President pointed out we had a study done several years ago with interest in keeping the trees. Several residents present thought we should revisit the topic in light of potential Hurricane tree damages. The ARC Chair was asked to review existing rules and village laws and then survey residents. In the interim, the Board will hold up replacing damaged trees from Hurricane Ian.

* Community Volunteers Needed

The President noted while having 30 or more volunteers in our community (greatly appreciated) we still have a need for additional help. We need volunteers for:

  • Social Coordinator – Replacing Don Jancin after 10+ years. Limited to social events 
  • Communication Committee Chair (formerly Website Committee) – June Roberts is stepping down after 4+ years in the role. We need a volunteer to support communication needs on our website
  • Financial Coordinator – support obtaining community funds that cannot be processed through our Masters Board. Previously done by the Social Chair.

A call for volunteers will be circulated to the community seeking volunteers.

* Drainage Problem – Lakes Golf Holes 5-8 Around Perimeter of Masters Homes

We are following activity of RRCCD that is responsible for and addressing the continuous flooding during heavy rains. They have a preliminary study that will be discussed at their December 13, 2022, meeting which will outline options and costs. We will continue to keep residents appraised of situation until resolution has been achieved.

* Vendor Review

The Board discussed specific vendor concerns. The President and a member of the Board would meet with our vendors to discuss our concerns on current service level issues.
Residents commented if vendor meetings were not successful, The Board should consider issuing RFQ’s for specific service before signing a new contract. The Board acknowledged the comments and will deal with issues as appropriate.

Donald J Jancin – Masters Board Secretary


Donations to Estero Forever Foundation

As you know, due to the damage Hurricane Ian did to our River Club, we’re unable to hold our annual Holiday Party.

In lieu of the party, the committee has been collecting donations for the Estero Forever Foundation to help Estero residents whose lives have been  affected by the storm. To date, our Masters community has donated almost $4,000

I’ll be keeping the box at my front door for another week. Please make out a check in any amount to: Estero Forever Foundation, and drop it off by November 9th at #21913.

Many thanks to all of you who have donated to this worthy cause to help Estero residents during the holiday season. 

Mary Grace Gallagher – Holiday Party Co-ordinator

Masters 2022 Welcome Back

On Sunday, October 30, 2022 a party organized by Kathy Rhodes and Kathy Sherlock was held Outdoors at the Pelican Sound Park

The Halloween-themed party featured great food, lawn games and contests from 3-6pm. About 70 residents attended.

Many wore costumes, Halloween colors or funny hats in the spirit of the holiday.

Several people brought decorated pumpkins which were set on a display table.

Based on votes by the party attendees prizes where awarded for best costumes and best decorated pumpkins in the categories of Funniest, Most Creative, and Scariest!

Food was delivered by Texas Tony’s at 4:30 and included BBQ Ribs, Smoked Chicken, Sliced Brisket, Pulled pork, Mac and Cheese, Baked Beans and Coleslaw…and a cookies for dessert. 

Click here for photos of the event taken by Anina Bachrach


Secretary’s Notes – October 17, 2022 Masters Board Workshop

The 2023 Budget

  • A preliminary budget was presented with nominal increase over the 2022 budget primarily due to inflationary pressures on our vendors.
  • The budget will be updated to reflect the comments raised at the Board meeting.
  • There will be further discussions on budget at the November Board meeting.
  • Final Board Budget approval is scheduled for December 9, 2022.

Hurricane Ian

  • Clean up costs were significant, much higher than Irma.
  • A declaration of a Loss Assessment will be considered after cost details are available. Residents may be able to claim the Loss Assessment against their insurance policy, if appropriate.
  • Under consideration is the payment of Loss Assessments quarterly, along with the 2023 regular quarterly assessments, rather than payment in one shot to provide relief to members.

Update on Matters

  • The shrub trimming scheduled for October 2022, has been canceled.
  • New mulch placement is scheduled for mid November.
  • Palm Trees are scheduled for December trimming.
  • Oak Trees will be trimmed selectively – removal of bent or broken branches.

General observation

Many houses with gutters facing south are full of leaves. Residents should check when reviewing their property.

Please Note: These are not official minutes of the meeting.

Voting Results – Flat Roof Tiles

Based on the results our NVR will vote to approve the PS ARC proposal to allow the installation of flat roof tiles. There were 73 votes cast of which 50 were for, and 19 against, with 4 abstentions .

Based also on your votes, Masters will also allow the installation of flat roof tiles in our community. The vote tally was 46 to allow, and 26 to restrict, with 4 abstentions. 

We thank you for voting on this important issue.

Masters ARC Chair Email – September 2022

As we prepare for the winter season in the Pelican Sound community, an important vote will be before our community in October in reference to changes in the PSGRC ARC guidelines regarding types of roofing tiles.

Approximately one year ago, a joint committee of the ARC and SPC was created to look at current trends in landscaping and architectural designs that might be beneficial to Pelican Sound. This Committee (Design Progression Committee: DPC)was to look at trends that might affect our community and then present their suggestions to Pelican Sound in 12 to 18 months for review.

The DPC was made aware that one of the Pelican Sound communities of multiple unit buildings would be getting new roofs and would like to use flat tiles.

That prompted the DPC committee to begin reviewing all the documents available, talking with several knowledgeable people and touring Shadow Wood, Heritage Palms and West Bay, where they were able to witness the current trends and saw how these communities are incorporating flat tiles roofs with existing barrel type roofing.

As stated in the attached document, Pelican Sound aspires to be the most desirable bundled community in Southwest Florida and, in keeping with that philosophy, we continue to explore the latest trends and maintain an open mind to changes and new, upcoming enhancements.

After much discussion, the PSGRC ARC Committee feels flat tile roofs are something Pelican Sound should move forward with to keep up with current trends.

The NVR’s will be asked to vote on these ARC changes, October 27, 2022.

The Masters Community will be holding an informational meeting, live and via zoom, on Tuesday, September 27 at 10 a.m. to discuss the proposed changes and answer any questions or concerns.

I have attached the powerpoint slide presentation prepared by the DPC that details the proposed changes and shows multiple pictures of co-existing flat and barrel type tiles.

While more than 80% of the houses in Pelican Sound have installed new roofs, it is still important that everyone participate at the meeting on September 27 and following the meeting, cast your vote on the future direction for the installation of flat roof tiles.

Celeste Eaton, ARC Chair

21848 Masters Circle
