July Club House Party

Photos by Anina Bachrach

Here is the information that was sent all residents.

Time for a Master’s Cocktail And Dinner Event
Wednesday July 19th
Cocktails at 4:30 – Dinner at 6:00

Summer is FLYING by. Soon our seasonal friends will return, and the lazy, hazy days of summer will have passed. So before it gets too far along, we’re grabbing a date and spot to gather with our Master’s friends and neighbors. We hope you will join us!

Arrive Wednesday July 19th at the Pelican Pub for cocktails anytime from 4:30 on. Dinner tables will be reserved for Masters residents in the Vista for 6:00. Ordering from the menu with your member number, all that is needed is your response of yes or no, so we can give staff a head count for planning. Please use the link in the email invitation you received to advise if attending. If you did not receive an invitation please send a note to info@masters33928.us.

We are looking forward to another great time together. Questions, call or text Pat Becker or Betsy Wells at. We look forward to seeing you there!

(And seasonal Masters residents, sorry to bombard you with an unnecessary email.  But if, by chance, you are in the area, please join us!)

Click here to see who has replied to the invitation email.

Secretary’s Notes – May 31, 2023


Presentation by Frankly Coastal Property Management/Collier Financial

Frank Parrish of Frankly Coastal Property Management and Collier Financial provided detailed information on his background and prior systems experience.  Frankly Coastal was established in the Tampa Bay area in 2015 working with 20 communities on their property management requirements.  Frankly Coastal has developed robust systems that simplify and standardize language specific to each of their clients and provide real time access to bank balances by using daily uploads from the applicable financial institutions.  Frankly Coastal acquired Collier Financial to expand their footprint into the Southwest Florida area and has begun providing property management services to many of that client base.  During the presentation, Frank shared a demonstration of the website, provided detailed explanation of how their employees use the website to provide service to their customers, explained how tickets are developed to track issues from inception to completion and showed the level of access to the website that is provided to the client base. 

Frankly Coastal Service Agreement

At the conclusion of the presentation, the Board voted to authorize the Masters Association President to sign a Service Agreement with Frankly Coastal on behalf of the Masters at Pelican Sound Neighborhood Association, Inc.  Frankly Coastal will provide both Property Management and Financial Services to the Masters Community.  Frankly Coastal has been and will continue to work with Cambridge Management to ensure a smooth transition. 

Communications to all homeowners with contact information for Frankly Coastal will be distributed shortly.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lynelle Moscaritolo
Board Secretary

Masters Board Meeting Notice




DATE:         May 31st, 2023

TIME:         2:00 PM

PLACE:       Sound Room at the River Club

                  Click Here for Remote Access / Zoom Instructions


  1.  Call to Order
  2.  Determination of a Quorum
  3.  Proof of Notice
  4.  Approval of Special Members Meeting Minutes – 4/20/23
  5.  Approval of Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – 4/20/23
  6. New Business
    1. Frankly Coastal Presentation
    1. Frankly Costal Service Agreement
  7.  Adjournment