Secretary’s Notes: September 30, 2020 BOD Meeting

Flag Committee – A committee has volunteered under Kay Howard, Chairperson to accept responsibility from Rusty and Mary Demeules who have handle this task for twenty years. 

Carol Roberts and Celeste Eaton will be working with Kay Howard; They have  noted that we will need to replace flags in the near future.

AD Hoc Committee – Masters Arc Rules and Landscaping rules update; Committee has updated documents ready for release. We have learned that a change in Florida statute requires these documents to be posted in Lee County; appropriate steps are being completed to comply with recent new regulation.

Paint Committee – The committee is finalizing details in preparation for January 4, 2021 start.

Major point: This year in not just a repaint but rather every home has option of new colors; The committee on or about October 10, 2020 will be mailing to residents a confirmation of the house colors chosen they have on file. It is required that each homeowner review and confirm in writing their selected colors. The homeowner confirmation will be the basis for the final Florida Painters schedule from the committee.

Masters Board Members: 

The Board accepted the resignation of Pat Becker as a Board member. Susan Cohen was appointed to the Board and appointed ARC Chairperson.

RESIDENTS SPECIAL MEETING: It was noted that only 30 residents had voted on our documents proposed changes to date. We only require 30 votes to have a quorum at scheduled meeting. The Board urged all residents to vote their opinion or accept the position of the thirty residents voting.

Donald J Jancin, Secretary

Special Members Meeting October 13, 2020

On Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 9:00 a.m. a Special Members Meeting of the Association will be held via ZOOM Videoconferencing only for the purpose of conducting the lawful business of the Association. An identification of agenda items is as follows:

  1. Certifying Quorum – Call to Order
  2. Proof of Notice of Meeting
  3. New Business:
    a. Vote to Amend Article VII, Section 1 of the Second Amended and Restated Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for The Masters of Pelican Sound Neighborhood Association.
    b. Vote to Amend Article VII, Section 2 of the Second Amended and Restated Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for The Masters of Pelican Sound Neighborhood Association.
  4. Adjournment
    A quorum of Association Members, as described in the Association’s Bylaws, must be present by proxy at the special members meeting, in order for the business to be conducted. In order to approve the Amendment, the Association must receive at least two-thirds (2/3) favorable votes from those members voting by proxy. This meeting is being held via Zoom Videoconferencing only. Therefore, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you provide a limited proxy before the start of the meeting (preferably no later than October 12th) in order to conduct business.

The packet from Collier contains:

  • how to connect to the Zoom meeting
  • a letter from The Masters at Pelican Sound Board of Directors
  • proposed Amendments to the Second Amended and Restated Masters Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions
  • Limited Proxy Instructions and Procedure
  • Limited Proxy Form

If you did not get the info packet, please contact Don Jancin.

Secretary’s Notes: August 24, 2020 BOD Meeting

1 – The Board approved Florida Painters painting contract for the Masters community. Painting will commence on January 4, 2021 and continue until completed. An online schedule will be available and the Paint Committee will be issuing further  communication as we move forward.

2 – The Board approved language to be used in our Declaration pending community vote on Roof Cleaning 2021 moving forward. The language is subject to our attorney approval that must provide Collier Financial with legal document format for notice to the community.

3 – The Board approved a SPECIAL MEETING for October 13, 2020 at 9:00A.M., to report community voting on Roof Cleaning 2021 and a paint responsibility update approved in May.

4 – The 2021 Budget Planning workshop will be held on October 13, 2020 immediately following the Special Meeting:

5 – Workshop on Live Oak Trees

  • The Board favors maintaining and improving the tree ambiance in the Masters Community;
  • The Board recommends we consider professional help in evaluating and planning options for the community. Results to be shared with the community for feedback;
  • The Board recommended we write up and approve written specifications for deliverable by professional  Arborist
  • Appropriate interviews should be conducted in the selection process of the Arborist chosen to perform the required service for the Board;
  • The Board asked Kurt Blumenthal to join the Ad Hoc committee in developing specifications and interviewing potential professional services.

Donald J Jancin, Secretary

Secretary’s Notes: July 27, 2020 BOD Meeting

  1. Pat Becker reported that Live Oak trees would be trimmed in August.
  2. The Board approved the revised Color Paletteand the House Color Framework for the Masters. The original palette and framework were approved earlier this year and were revised during the member selection process.
  3. The Association will now file a PSG&RC ARC application for approval of the new Masters Color Palette.
  4. The Masters Paint Committee reviewed the seven bids received from painting companies. There was discussion as to whether seven-year or twelve-year warranty paint would be used, in either case, Sherwin Williams paint will be used.

Florida Painters had the lowest bid and satisfactorily responded to all the RFQ questions. The Paint Committee recommended Florida painters.

The cost of painting the houses with the 7-year paint was $240,500 with the twelve-year paint costing an additional $20,000.

It was mentioned that there are sufficient funds in our Paint and Roof Cleaning reserve to cover the cost of painting.

The Board authorized the Paint Committee to commence negotiations using the twelve-year warranty paint, called Duration paint.

Upon completion of negotiations, the Paint Committee will submit the contract for approval from the Board.

January 2021 will remain as the starting date for the painting.

  • Roof Cleaning 2021 and forward: The Board is considering relinquishing roof cleaning responsibilities to households starting 2021. A recent questionnaire submitted to the community suggested preference for the owner controlling roof cleaning in the future.

The benefits from such a change are:

  • Flexibility – timing, cost, and method of cleaning. Such changes suggest the homeowners may want to control the future cleaning of theirroofs; If the Masters Board handles it would be one time for all and one method of cleaning.
  • Equity – all contributed to the 2020 cost whereas a minority benefited from the service. This is expected to continue in the future and as such inequity will continue.
  • Simplicity – the current process is easy for homeowners and the buying group contemplated to replace the current system will also be fairly simple.

The Masters Board approved submitting a formal vote by the community with specific declaration language change during September 2020. Jim Swanger and Don Jancin were requested to preparedocumentation for Board approval before sending out to the community for their vote.

It was also noted we have a prior approved Declaration change on excluding hurricane Blinds from Board paint responsibility; This change will be submitted to residents at the same time during this special vote.

FYI – 98% of residents have selected electronic voting which should help expedite our process.

  • Workshop – Bruce Clark and Jim Leonard (the appointed Ad Hoc Tree Committee) gave an analysis and summary of their findings on “Street trees”; Street trees were defined as Live Oak Trees in ROW andUtility Easement areas in front of each resident. The discussion raised many issues as to responsibility etc. A complex topic when taking Lee County, Village of Estero, PSG&RC Declarations rules and theMasters Declaration and rules into consideration. The objective is to summarize the issues to basic explanations that all residents can understand responsibility and financial liability.

A question was raised on setting rules requiring Live Oaks being canopy trees in the Masters when each weather event we lose a tree with no replacement? Net result is bigger areas lacking trees on our street.

Do we want the Masters Board to accept liability for street trees when we constantly move away from the perceived goal of a street with canopy trees?

Next Steps – Bill Ellis asked Jim and Bruce to provide a short concise written recommendation; The Board will proceed with next steps – each Member to develop questions which when summarizedmay require legal discussion and opinion from our attorney.

Donald J Jancin, Board Secretary

Roof Cleaning Completed

Trafford Pressure Cleaning has cleaned 31 roofs as part of the Association’s periodic roof cleaning initiative. Originally there were 35 roofs to be cleaned but this number was reduced due to insurance claim approvals and changes in plans.

The total cost for the cleaning was $10,022 and was paid from the Associations Paint and Roof Cleaning Reserve. The resulting cost for cleaning each roof was approximately $325.

As every household equally contributed to the reserve, the reserve impact for each of the 100 households was $100.

When we start planning for the 2021 budget, we will have to consider a $25 to $30 quarterly assessment to cover the cost of the Association’s next periodic roof cleaning. This amount will be required to be paid by all households irrespective of whether their roof is cleaned or not.

Dikran Ohannessian

Roof Cleaning Start Date

We are pleased to announce that your Board of Directors, at its meeting of June 22, 2020, approved a contract to clean the roofs as part of the Association’s periodic roof cleaning responsibilities.

The company chosen is Trafford Pressure Cleaning. They are a full-service pressure cleaning and painting company established in Naples in 1989. They will use a pressure cleaning method with a chlorine mix and with low psi.

We expect the cleaning to start on Monday, July 6, 2020, and be completed within five weeks, weather permitting.

The roofs to be cleaned are:

21700, 21708, 21716, 21732, 21748, 21749, 21752, 21756, 21759, 21767, 21772, 21773, 21776, 21788, 21789, 21809, 21819, 21824, 21835, 21836, 21840, 21856, 21860, 21864, 21872, 21888, 21892, 21896, 21924, 21925, 21929, 21940, 21944, 21952

If you are on the list and you are approved for a new roof before July 3rd, please let me know and we will remove your roof from the list.

If you are not on the list and your insurance claim gets declined before July 3rd, let me know and your roof will be added to the list.

Dikran Ohannessian

If you have an questions or comments contact Dikran at