Board Organizational Meeting Minutes March 16, 2021

The Masters at Pelican Sound Homeowners Association, Inc.

Minutes from the Organizational Meeting held March 16, 2021 via ZOOM Teleconference

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:10 P.M.

Quorum- A quorum of the board was noted with the following Board Members Present: Don Jancin, Bill Ellis, Jim Swanger, Susan Cohen and Dikran Ohannessian.

Proof of Notice – Notices were mailed by per statute.

Election of Officers:

A motion was made by Don Jancin to accept Bill Ellis’s resignation from the Board of Directors. The Motion was seconded by Susan Cohen and passed unanimously.

A Motion was made by Don Jancin to appoint Celeste Eaton to the Board of Directors to fill the vacant seat previously held by Bill Ellis. The Motion was seconded by Dikran Ohannessian and passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Don Jancin for the following slate of Officers for 2021:

Dikran Ohannessian – President

Don Jancin – Secretary

Jim Swanger – Vice President      

Susan Cohen – Treasurer                       

Celeste Eaton- Director & Chair for ARC/Landscape Committee

 The motion was seconded by Jim Swanger and passed unanimously.

A Motion was made by Don Jancin to appoint June Roberts as the Chair of the Website Committee. The Motion was seconded by Susan Cohen and passed unanimously.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1:26 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Heather Keel, CAM

Cambridge Property Management

Agenda: Board Meeting, April 14, 2021




DATE: April 14, 2021  TIME:  3:00 P.M.


1.  Call to Order                                                DO

2.  Determination of a Quorum                    DO

3.  Proof of Notice                                            DJ

4.  Approval of Minutes 2/17 & 03/16 DJ                                         

5.  Officers & Committee Reports                DO

6.  Cambridge Property Management         HK

7.  Old Business                     

  – Paint Committee updates                                     SC

  – Canopy Program Status                                         JS

  – ARC Document Change – Shady lady trees        JS

  – Cambridge – Rat Service / Quotes                       HK            

  – Cambridge – Mailboxes, Greenscapes Quotes   HK                     

8.            New Business

   – Vendor Analysis Project                  DO                

9. Residents signed up-check “raise hand” on zoom

10.         Next meeting                                                            

11.         Adjournment                             DO

Secretary’s Notes: Masters Annual Meeting & Reorganization Meeting – March 16, 2021

Board Members Election – there were two positions open and only two applicants, Donald Jancin and Dikran Ohannessian, each for their 2nd term in office expiring in 2023.

Bill Ellis current Board member through 2022 advised the Board that he will not be able to continue as a Board Member for personal reasons and was resigning effective March 16, 2021. The Board thanked him for his three years of service to the Association and community residents.

Celeste Eaton – The Board members appointed Celeste Eaton to replace Bill Ellis for the balance of his term which expires next year.

Officers Elected for the year 2022:

President             Dikran Ohannessian     term expires – 2023

Vice President    Jim Swanger                  term expires – 2022

Secretary             Don Jancin                      term expires –  2023

Treasurer            Susan Cohen                   term expires – 2022

ARC Chair            Celeste Eaton                term expires – 2022

Permanent Committee Appointment:

June Roberts – Masters Website Chair

Masters Association Annual Meeting

On Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 1:00 p.m. ET, the Annual Meeting of the Association will be held for the purpose of electing Directors and such other business as may lawfully be conducted. Due to restrictions regarding the gathering of people to stop the spread of the Covid-19 Virus, this meeting will be conducted via Zoom Videoconferencing only.  All home owners should have received notice of this meeting from Collier Financial

Here is the proxy form that should be submitted before the meeting.

Masters Residents

Collier Financial recently sent out a second notice on The Masters Association 2021 Annual meeting to all residents that included a voting proxy for each resident to complete and mail to Collier Financial.

Although there will not be a vote for Directors having  two Board members terms expiring and only two applicants- you are still required to properly complete the Proxy form included in the memo . Lacking submission of this document will impact the Boards ability to conduct its annual meeting.

Please open, print , complete and mail to Collier Financial.

Mail To:
Masters Association
C/O Collier Financial
4985 Tamiami Trail E
Naples, FL 34113

Residents  chose to receive electronic notices for efficiency and reduced costs; They do however need to reply as Association members to formal communications;

 Our thanks to those that have responded to date.
Donald J Jancin
Masters Board Secretary

Secretary’s Notes: February 18, 2021 Board Meeting

Roofing Report– A summary of the Masters Community roofing changes: new roofs, homes still in litigation and no change planned, will be posted on the website. It was noted that some homes in litigation were sharing results with their attorney’s.

Web Site Committee – The Committee Chair advised they are making improvements to streamline processes and access to information. One significant change is the Login to the website will be moved to the top of the page for ease of resident sign-in. The committee is planning a survey in near future to determine resident’s feedback on typical usage and further improvements recommended.

Canopy Program – There were five tree replacements requested and approved by the Board.

Rat Program – There has been increased rat activity over recent months within the Masters. It was noted that Pelican Sound has seen significant increase in rat activity with many associations not participating in bait programs.

The Masters Board has a study underway evaluating our current program: type of bait, location of boxes, frequency of service, quality of current boxes, review of vendors etc. in progress. In the interim, the Board has approved monthly service for the next three months versus current quarterly program of baiting boxes. A copy of the Bait Box schedule is available. Click Here.

Residents – IMPORTANT – Our Association documents state: Bird Feeders and Ground Feeding of Wildlife are not permitted. This activity will only increase the rat problem in our neighborhood.

Mailbox Report – The Board requested two members to provide an analysis of existing mailboxes and possible action steps. A copy of the report is available Click Here. After considerable discussion the Board requested an action plan on relocating sprinklers close to mailboxes which is the primary cause deterioration of exist mailboxes. Further steps may be taken once this step is completed.

Masters House Paint Colors – The Committee Chair advised we will place a copy of existing and planned house paint colors by house on our website for residents to view and answer any questions a resident might have about a particular resident’s house color.

The House painting project is moving ahead of plan by two weeks, and is now scheduled to end in mid-April.

Christmas Committee – It was noted that a group of volunteers accepted responsibility for seasonal decorations of Masters Community. Our strength as a community has been resident participation. While this is not a specific Board committee, the Board encourages all residents to support the activity on behalf of our community

Leaf Cleanup – After discussion the Board elected to defer leaf clean-up with Greenscapes targeted for January -April.

Street Sweeper – Resident Marc Goldstein, requested action against the speeding street sweeper. Speeding impacting quality of mechanical work performance, and community safety working on side of road into autos and walkers was discussed. The Masters Board will issue a note for action to RRCDD.