House Painting Process

Please CLICK HERE to view the painting schedule from Florida Painters.

  1. You will be notified by email the Friday before the week in which your house is to be painted.  The form you signed confirming your color choices for your house will be attached to your house the week your house will be painted.  If you requested something “special” the photos/pictures you supplied will also be attached to your house.
  2. On the Monday of the week your house is to be painted, it will be power washed.  ALL WINDOWS MUST BE CLOSED.  Priming of the houses will start on Monday afternoon/Tuesday morning.  Approximately three houses will be worked on at one time.  The garage door will be the next to last component to be painted and the front door will be the last component to be painted.  Thus, you must make sure that someone is available from Wednesday afternoon onward to open the garage and front doors for the painters.  You will be able to close these doors approximately three hours after they are painted.
  3. ALL HURRICANE ROLL DOWN SHUTTERS MUST BE IN THE UP POSITION.  ALL OTHER HURRICANE PROTECTION MUST BE REMOVED FROM WINDOWS.  If a hurricane roll down shutter is either closed or halfway up, the painters will not move it and will paint only what they have access to.  The painters will not remove any other hurricane protection.
  4. If you have anything next to your house [storage boxes, extra roof tiles, etc.], you must make sure that these are moved at least a foot from the wall so that the painters can get access.  All wall decorations anywhere on your house must be removed.  Florida Painters will NOT move these items.
  5. All lanai furniture must be moved away from the walls.  THE PAINTERS WILL COVER YOUR CEILING FANS.
  6. The painters will protect the carriage lights during power washing and painting, and caulk around the edges before painting.
  7. The painters will use your water to power wash your house.  However, if a home is unoccupied, they cannot turn the water on by company policy.  Thus, they will use the water from the houses on either side of the unoccupied house.  Please understand that there is no other way to do this.
  8. Please do not ask the painters directly to do anything “extra”.  If you want one or more of the a la carte items being offered, please contact Florida Painters directly ASAP [if you have not already done so].
  9. The paint will be “dry” within a day.  However, it takes about 45 days for the paint to completely “cure”.  During that time, you should not use any chemicals on the paint.  For example, if you will have your roof cleaned after your house is painted, wait at least 45 days.

There will be a foreman onsite at all times, and the project manager will be available every day. 

Non-emergency questions should be sent to me via email at:  For time sensitive issues, you can reach me at 217 840 7871.  I would appreciate no calls between 8 PM and 8 AM.

We are all looking forward to the new look for The Masters in the New Year!


Susan Cohen for the Paint Committee

Secretary’s Notes: December 9, 2020, Board Meeting

2021 Budget

The Board approved the 2021 budget with no increase over the 2020 budget. The key considerations in the budget were the setting of the painting reserve cycle at 12 years with a possible seven-year refresh, and the inclusion of a provision for spring leaf clean-up, as a trial.

Tree Ad Hoc Committee Review

The Board thanked the Ad Hoc Committee (Jim Leonard, Bruce Clark, and Kurt Blumenthal) for their report recommending the restoration of the canopy effect with new tree plantings on our street. The Board also thanked them for a job well done and for the many hours the members worked on this project. The Board will now assume responsibility for the project with resident concurrence for any proposed actions.

Mailbox Review

The Board will undertake a review of the community mailboxes for any needed repairs. Dikran Ohannessian and Don Jancin were assigned this task and were asked to report back at the next Board meeting.

Paint Project

Susan Cohen reported that the Paint Company has now been provided with the detailed color selections for each house. The Paint Company will not deviate from the approved color selections without direct approval from the Paint Committee.

Don J. Jancin
Masters Board Secretary

Secretary’s Notes: November 6, 2020, Board Meeting

Paint Committee

The Paint Committee chair, Susan Cohen, reported more than 90% of residents have returned signed forms. The balance of the signed forms is expected shortly.

The house painting will commence January 4, 2021, at #21700 and proceed around the outer side of the circle. After completion of the outer circle, the inner circle at #21743 will commence and proceed until all houses are painted.

NOTE:  While subject to weather, the house painting is expected to run from January through mid-April.

ARC & Landscaping Documents Updated

The Board reported on comments from residents on updated documents and language inserted for clarification. The Board approved the Associations updated ARC and Landscaping documents dated November 6, 2020.

Ad Hoc Tree Committee

Considerable discussion on improving and maintaining our community appearance with the tree canopy. The Board asked the committee to take specific research action and report results at our December meeting.

2021 Budget Plan

No changes to workshop plan of October 22, 2020, which has 2021 assessment remaining the same as 2020. The annual budget meeting will take place on December 9, 2020. Resident communications on our budget will be submitted by Collier Financial 14-days prior to scheduled meeting.

NVR Meeting

The 2021 PSG&RC Budget was approved, and the key takeaways are:

  • PS will spend $14.5 million in 2021.
  • Of this:
    • $1.2 million will be funded from existing reserves
    • $4.3 million from revenue from Food & Beverage, Golf Operations, Racquet Center Fitness, Marina and Miscellaneous items
    • $9.0 from Operations Assessments
  • The Operation Assessment stated per door is $6,890
  • The Reserve Assessment is $960, making the total Assessment $7,825.

The $7,825 represents a 4.3% increase over the 2020 Budget.

Don J. Jancin – Board Secretary

via Website Team

Masters Board Meeting – November 6, 2020

Below is an agenda for the Masters Board Meeting to be held on Friday, November 6, 2020 at 1:00 P.M.

Objective:  Resident review of the updated ARC and Landscaping documents.

The Masters Board reviewed and updated our “Architectural Standards and Procedures” and “Landscaping Responsibilities” documents. The material change is the addition of “Street Trees” in our responsibility chart of the Landscaping document. The Board also developed the “House Color Framework” and “House Color Schemes” and “House Color Chips” documents to reflect the new house paint colors and painting rules.

Florida Statute requires that these “Rules and Regulations” documents be filed with our other legal documents in Lee County and such documents only require Board approval.

Please review these documents and if you have any comments please let us know prior to November 6, 2020. Our intent is to approve and file the documents soon after.

Please Click Here to see the above referenced documents

Resident comments are requested to be sent to: Dikran Ohannessian:






DATE:   November 6, 2020

TIME:     1:00 PM

PLACE:  ZOOM Video meeting

  1. Call to order                                                          BE
  2. Determination of a Quorum                              BE
  3. Proof of Notice                                                     DJ
  4. Approval of Minutes 10/13/2020 & 10/22/2020  DJ
  5. Officer and Committee Reports
  6. Old Business – AD Hoc Tree Committee          BE
  7. New Business
  8. Resident comments on ARC & Landscaping  Documents                                                    
  9. Approval of Arc & landscaping Documents
  10. Resident Questions
  11. Next Meeting                                          BE
  12. Adjournment                                          BE

Donald J. Jancin – Board Secretary

Via Website Team

Masters Board Meeting – October 22, 2020





  1. Call to Order                                                           BE
  2. Determination of a Quorum                               BE
  3. Proof of Notice                                                       DJ
  4. Approval of Minutes   10/13/2020                      DJ                                     
  5. Officers, Cambridge & Committee Reports
  6. Old Business – Ad Hoc Tree Committee           BC                                             
  7.  NEW Business

    – Update House Color Framework                SC

   – Masters Arc and Landscaping updated     DO/SC                        

  1.  Residents signed up-check “raise hand” on zoom
  2. Next Meeting                                                         DJ
  3. Adjournment BE


Welcome Back Golf Event 2020


Sunday, November 8, 2020

As always, Pelican Sound COVID-19 rules apply to all events. Please CLICK HERE for a refresher.

Residents, House Guests, Renters – All are welcome. If you are on your own, and wish to, invite a guest from outside the community.


9-Hole Scramble

  • 1:30 Golf Starts – Each group has a Tee Time
  • Team Tee Times will be issued by Email from the Chelsea system on Thursday , November 5, 2020
  • The pro shop will print out score cards- available at  starter booth  or  Don Jancin will be at the starter booth with the team score cards

2PM Golf Putting Contest

  • Individual playing
  • Prizes for men and women
  • Scorecard for playing at the putting range
  • Deposit your scorecard with total for six holes at last hole of play

NOTE: Any resident may play – you do not have to be entered for golf playing

We are required to wear masks and obey social distance rules at the putting range.

Please CLICK HERE to sign-up for a golf tee time, or to let us know you will not be playing golf.

CLICK HERE to see list of processed registrations. There are often a few hours delay between the submission of a reservation, and it appearing on the list.

Secretary’s Notes: October 13, 2020, Special Meeting & Board Meeting / Workshop


Fifty-five households submitted ballots on the two Declarations to be voted on by residents, and both Declaration changes were approved.

Article VII, Section 1 was approved 49 – 5  to exclude the painting of hurricane Blinds by the Masters Association.

Article VII, Section 2 was approved 43 – 11 to change responsibility for roof cleaning from the Association responsibility to the Residents responsibility. One ballot had no votes indicated.


Paint Committee: We are moving forward on schedule with our painting to commence January 4, 2021. Residents have been mailed letters to confirm their color selections. These confirmations will be the basis for Florida Painters scheduling.

It was stressed that Residents must return their confirmation documents to the committee.

Rules and Regulations: Our Documents have been updated and are being reviewed by our attorney. The Board expects to review comments / approve documents for filing by month end.

Budget Workshop: The current proposed budget will include Duration paint (12-year warranty.) Elimination of roof cleaning and provision for leaf cleaning. The preliminary plan suggests no change in Member Assessment for 2021. Details are still under review.

Tree Committee: the Board was provided with a report advising of possible courses of action. Any approved plans moving forward would have to be factored into the 2021 Budget.

Donald J. Jancin – Board Secretary