Secretary’s Notes: February 18, 2021 Board Meeting

Roofing Report– A summary of the Masters Community roofing changes: new roofs, homes still in litigation and no change planned, will be posted on the website. It was noted that some homes in litigation were sharing results with their attorney’s.

Web Site Committee – The Committee Chair advised they are making improvements to streamline processes and access to information. One significant change is the Login to the website will be moved to the top of the page for ease of resident sign-in. The committee is planning a survey in near future to determine resident’s feedback on typical usage and further improvements recommended.

Canopy Program – There were five tree replacements requested and approved by the Board.

Rat Program – There has been increased rat activity over recent months within the Masters. It was noted that Pelican Sound has seen significant increase in rat activity with many associations not participating in bait programs.

The Masters Board has a study underway evaluating our current program: type of bait, location of boxes, frequency of service, quality of current boxes, review of vendors etc. in progress. In the interim, the Board has approved monthly service for the next three months versus current quarterly program of baiting boxes. A copy of the Bait Box schedule is available. Click Here.

Residents – IMPORTANT – Our Association documents state: Bird Feeders and Ground Feeding of Wildlife are not permitted. This activity will only increase the rat problem in our neighborhood.

Mailbox Report – The Board requested two members to provide an analysis of existing mailboxes and possible action steps. A copy of the report is available Click Here. After considerable discussion the Board requested an action plan on relocating sprinklers close to mailboxes which is the primary cause deterioration of exist mailboxes. Further steps may be taken once this step is completed.

Masters House Paint Colors – The Committee Chair advised we will place a copy of existing and planned house paint colors by house on our website for residents to view and answer any questions a resident might have about a particular resident’s house color.

The House painting project is moving ahead of plan by two weeks, and is now scheduled to end in mid-April.

Christmas Committee – It was noted that a group of volunteers accepted responsibility for seasonal decorations of Masters Community. Our strength as a community has been resident participation. While this is not a specific Board committee, the Board encourages all residents to support the activity on behalf of our community

Leaf Cleanup – After discussion the Board elected to defer leaf clean-up with Greenscapes targeted for January -April.

Street Sweeper – Resident Marc Goldstein, requested action against the speeding street sweeper. Speeding impacting quality of mechanical work performance, and community safety working on side of road into autos and walkers was discussed. The Masters Board will issue a note for action to RRCDD.

Tree Canopy Restoration Project

return to Projects page

Although nothing has been finalized, we have received the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Tree Committee and consulted with Certified Arborist, Jami McGarvey. 

The following locations have been identified as suitable for planting Canopy Street Trees (Shady Lady and Live Oak trees within the utility easement but no further than 10 feet from the curb of the street) to fill the gaps in our canopy along Masters Circle:

21716, 21828, 21835, 21849, 21869, 21877, 21895, 21896, 21925

Depending upon interest, the Board will consider a proposal to reimburse the owners of the above listed residences for the cost of planting a Canopy Street Tree, after submission of an approved ARC application and proof of payment. 

Owners of the above listed residences will need to contact a Board member by no later than January 28, 2021, if they are interested in participating in the project.  If we do not hear from you by that date your name will be removed from the list.

Susan Cohen:
Bill Ellis:
Don Jancin:
Dikran Ohannessian:
Jim Swanger:

If your home is not listed above, the Board is open to considering additional suitable Canopy Street Tree locations if we hear from you by no later than January 28, 2021.

This is a one-time project and participation is entirely voluntary.

Bill Ellis, Chair – Masters Board of Directors

Vendor Parking & Resident Safety

As our street is narrow and curved, vendors such as Greenscapes and Home Team Pest Defence, and delivery vehicles including UPS, Prime, FedEx, and USPS, attempting to make regular deliveries presents difficulties for all residents when walking, cycling or driving.

To address this, we have asked our vendors vendors to:

  • always park all their vehicles on the same side of the traffic flow,
  • not park across from other vehicles already parked, and
  • leave sufficient space for cars and trucks to be able to maneuver through vehicles parked on both sides of the street.

This staggered vendor parking will certainly help, but we need everyone to be aware of their surroundings:

  • While driving or cycling, please proceed slowly at all times, exercising particular care moving past all parked vehicles. An oblivious vendor may step out from a vehicle or grounds at any time into your path.
  • While walking facing traffic, particularly with a pet, be aware of your surroundings and personal safety.
  • Ensure contractors/service providers performing work at your house, are aware of the parking needs of our community.
  • Advise your guests not to park near the painter & roofer vehicles, and to use your driveway as much as possible.

The stretch of road from Pelican Sound Drive to the start of the Circle can be problematic when too many vehicles are parked, particularly if an emergency vehicle needs to get through. We ask that vendors, residents and guests not to park vehicles on the golf course side of the road.

Navigating our street right now is a challenge, but if together we make the effort, our community traffic flow and safety will be maintained.

For any questions or concerns during this project period, please contact Susan Cohen (217-840-7871) or Don Jancin (239-498-1447).

Congratulations – Marcy Holtz

Our neighbor, Marcy Holtz, recently was thanked by the Estero High School Golf Coaches for organizing the 2020 Pelican Sound Golf Tournament Fund Raiser for the Estero High School Golf Teams. This was the best year ever. The tournament raised $8,740. In addition to the boys and girls golf teams now being the best-equipped golf teams in the area, part of the funds will be used to award academic grants known at the Pelican Sound Golf Scholarships.

House Painting Process

Please CLICK HERE to view the painting schedule from Florida Painters.

  1. You will be notified by email the Friday before the week in which your house is to be painted.  The form you signed confirming your color choices for your house will be attached to your house the week your house will be painted.  If you requested something “special” the photos/pictures you supplied will also be attached to your house.
  2. On the Monday of the week your house is to be painted, it will be power washed.  ALL WINDOWS MUST BE CLOSED.  Priming of the houses will start on Monday afternoon/Tuesday morning.  Approximately three houses will be worked on at one time.  The garage door will be the next to last component to be painted and the front door will be the last component to be painted.  Thus, you must make sure that someone is available from Wednesday afternoon onward to open the garage and front doors for the painters.  You will be able to close these doors approximately three hours after they are painted.
  3. ALL HURRICANE ROLL DOWN SHUTTERS MUST BE IN THE UP POSITION.  ALL OTHER HURRICANE PROTECTION MUST BE REMOVED FROM WINDOWS.  If a hurricane roll down shutter is either closed or halfway up, the painters will not move it and will paint only what they have access to.  The painters will not remove any other hurricane protection.
  4. If you have anything next to your house [storage boxes, extra roof tiles, etc.], you must make sure that these are moved at least a foot from the wall so that the painters can get access.  All wall decorations anywhere on your house must be removed.  Florida Painters will NOT move these items.
  5. All lanai furniture must be moved away from the walls.  THE PAINTERS WILL COVER YOUR CEILING FANS.
  6. The painters will protect the carriage lights during power washing and painting, and caulk around the edges before painting.
  7. The painters will use your water to power wash your house.  However, if a home is unoccupied, they cannot turn the water on by company policy.  Thus, they will use the water from the houses on either side of the unoccupied house.  Please understand that there is no other way to do this.
  8. Please do not ask the painters directly to do anything “extra”.  If you want one or more of the a la carte items being offered, please contact Florida Painters directly ASAP [if you have not already done so].
  9. The paint will be “dry” within a day.  However, it takes about 45 days for the paint to completely “cure”.  During that time, you should not use any chemicals on the paint.  For example, if you will have your roof cleaned after your house is painted, wait at least 45 days.

There will be a foreman onsite at all times, and the project manager will be available every day. 

Non-emergency questions should be sent to me via email at:  For time sensitive issues, you can reach me at 217 840 7871.  I would appreciate no calls between 8 PM and 8 AM.

We are all looking forward to the new look for The Masters in the New Year!


Susan Cohen for the Paint Committee

Secretary’s Notes: December 9, 2020, Board Meeting

2021 Budget

The Board approved the 2021 budget with no increase over the 2020 budget. The key considerations in the budget were the setting of the painting reserve cycle at 12 years with a possible seven-year refresh, and the inclusion of a provision for spring leaf clean-up, as a trial.

Tree Ad Hoc Committee Review

The Board thanked the Ad Hoc Committee (Jim Leonard, Bruce Clark, and Kurt Blumenthal) for their report recommending the restoration of the canopy effect with new tree plantings on our street. The Board also thanked them for a job well done and for the many hours the members worked on this project. The Board will now assume responsibility for the project with resident concurrence for any proposed actions.

Mailbox Review

The Board will undertake a review of the community mailboxes for any needed repairs. Dikran Ohannessian and Don Jancin were assigned this task and were asked to report back at the next Board meeting.

Paint Project

Susan Cohen reported that the Paint Company has now been provided with the detailed color selections for each house. The Paint Company will not deviate from the approved color selections without direct approval from the Paint Committee.

Don J. Jancin
Masters Board Secretary