Arnie Mantilia reported seeing 2 hogs crossing Masters Circle near Annie Brown’s home on February 21.
Anyone with small dogs or children should be cautious.
Eric Long reported that the trappers will be out this weekend.
Masters Circle at Pelican Sound
Arnie Mantilia reported seeing 2 hogs crossing Masters Circle near Annie Brown’s home on February 21.
Anyone with small dogs or children should be cautious.
Eric Long reported that the trappers will be out this weekend.
Ron Paquette found a pair of men’s FJ black rain pants on the road in front of his driveway at 21849 Masters Cir. If no one claims them soon, he will take them to the Pelican Sound Lost and Found.
How Can YOU Help? What Do We Need?
New boys and girls sneakers kids sizes 1-8 including half sizes for school age children K-8th grade; no toddler or baby shoes please
Drop shoes off at Monika Clark’s home – 21924 Masters Circle
Look for the ‘Shoe’ Boxes to drop off the new shoes!
Generator Installations – an issue was raised regarding the recently developed PSGRC ARC Guidelines to allow homeowners to install generators and propane tanks on their property. Concern was expressed that these guidelines do not contain a requirement that installation conform to Village of Estero specifications. It was also noted that some of the wording could be misconstrued by residents with respect to what constitutes “adjacent property” in relation to the lakes within the Masters. The Board agreed that it might be appropriate to develop our own ARC Generator requirements to address these concerns.
January HOA Payments – a member raised the issue that their January HOA payment had been deducted twice from their bank account during the transition to Truist. Frankly Coastal was aware of two instances where this had occurred and has been researching the cause. They offered to meet with the individual at the end of the meeting to further discuss and resolve this issue.
President Jerry Vasile spoke about his email that was sent to the community earlier in the week. He also praised the Social Committee for the two most recent Masters gatherings. Thanks was also made to Kay Howard and her team for the holiday decorations. Jerry announced that Ron Paquette and Jim Van Aucken have volunteered to take on this effort going forward. Lastly, Jerry spoke of the great community spirit within the Masters.
Treasurer Scott Gallaher and Frankly Coastal have reviewed the draft version of the December report and have reclassified some journal entries. A final version should be available shortly.
The largest variance to the 2023 accounts were related to hardwood tree trimming in 2023. The expense of $9,945 was not invoiced, or paid, until FY 2024 and negatively impacted 2024 P&L.
Removing this variance, 2023 P&L would be $651.71, or effectively on budget.
At the recommendation of the Treasurer and Frankly Coastal, and with concurrence from the Board, the following will be voted on by the membership at the Annual Meeting to be held on March 11th, 2024:
The ARC Report will be posted to the Masters Website within the next week.
Truist Transition – funds have been moved to Truist and a communication sent to all homeowners with instructions on how to set up quarterly HOA payments.
Electronic Voting – response has been less than expected and a recommendation was made to send this request out again as a separate communication. Homeowners will have the option of completing the form for electronic voting and returning it via US mail, scanning and sending via email or dropping it off at the Secretary’s home located at 21724 Masters Circle. The Board wants to stress that electronic voting is the most efficient and cost-effective option when it comes to resident voting or polling. Please send in your consent to do so.
Reserve Account Investment Options – the Board of Directors approved investing $50K of reserve funds in a short term (6 month) CD and $50K in a long term (12 month) CD.
The next meeting will be the Annual Meeting on March 11th, 2024 at 3pm in the Sound Room above the Fitness Center. The Board of Directors will hold an Organizational Meeting immediately following the Annual Meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lynelle Reney (Moscaritolo)
Board Secretary
DATE: January 18th, 2024
TIME: 3:00 PM
PLACE: Lakes Room (above the Fitness Center)
1. Call to Order
2. Determination of a Quorum
3. Proof of Notice
4. Approval of Board of Director Meeting Minutes – 11/16/23
5. Comments from the Floor
6. President’s Comments
7. Treasurer’s Report
8. ARC Report
9. Property Manager’s Report
—a. Truist Transition Update
—b. Electronic Voting Update
—c. Reserve Account
——–i. Account Structure
——–ii. Investment Options
10. Next Meeting
11. Adjournment
Zoom and call-in instructions will be sent to all residents on Sunday, January 14. If you do not get them email:
The bocce matches were rained out, but the party was a big hit.
Click to see more photos by Anina Bachrach
Please thank the party organizers, Kathy Sherlock and Kathy Rhodes
The Masters NVR, Jerry Vasile, received the following message from Eric Long, the Pelican Sound General Manager.
We regret to inform you that an irrigation break has occurred within the Masters area. In response, our team has successfully isolated the valve responsible for the affected region. As a result, irrigation water supply to the following areas has been temporarily shut off: Masters, Southern Hills, Edgewater III, IV, and Seaside III.
Our utmost priority is to swiftly address this issue and restore normal irrigation services. We anticipate having our dedicated crews on-site to resolve the break by January 2nd.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience and understanding as we work diligently to rectify this situation.
Eric Long
General Manager/COO, CAM
Pelican Sound Golf & River Club
4569 Pelican Sound Blvd.
Estero, FL 33928
Ofc. 239.948.5232
Cell 239.289.5580
Come one, come all, to enjoy our January Social and the opening of the 2024 Bocce season.
Here’s how the event will unfold:
3pm to 5pm – Opening bocce matches at the bocce courts. All are welcome to come and cheer the teams on.
5pm to 8pm – Immediately following is our January Social at the Racquet Center.
Watch for the email announcing the opportunity to let us know if you will be attending.
For those who are playing bocce, the team rosters, and season schedule are now posted at:
For more information about the January party contact:
Kathleen Sherlock
President – Jerry Vasile reported that he has been very impressed with the level of expertise and dedication of the Pelican Sound Board of Directors, NVRs and the management team supporting them. He also complimented the Masters Board members on their capabilities and willingness to serve on the Board of Directors. Jerry spoke to overall spirit, sense of community and strong neighborhood involvement in of the Masters Community as a whole.
Jerry then spoke of the Holiday Decorations and his gratitude to Kay Howard who has been leading this effort for the past 6 years. Kay has elected to step down next year and the Masters Social Committee has volunteered to take this on going forward. Our sincere thanks to Kay for all her hard work to make the Masters “shine” during the Holiday season.
Vice President – George Monahan reported that Greenscapes pricing increased one percent and that they have modified the contract to include 9 inspections of the Masters per year. All other contracts remained the same. George recommended that the contracts be added to the Frankly Coastal website for our members’ convenience and Frank Parrish agreed that this would be done.
Treasurer – Scott Gallagher asked Frank Parrish to address the current financial status of the Masters and the balances in our accounts with Fifth Third and 1st Horizons banks.
ARC – Celeste Eaton issued a report to the community on November 15th 2023 and it has also been posted to the Masters web page.
2024 Budget – The proposed 2024 budget was sent to all residents on November 2nd. There are two notable changes to the budget for 2024. The first is an increase to the Contingency Account 40117 to improve our equity position so that we have two months of operating expenses in the account. The other change is a three percent increase across all Reserve Accounts to better position us for increased costs due to inflation. The overall impact to our Quarterly HOA fees is a $100 increase effective January 1st, 2024. As the Hurricane Ian quarterly assessment of $102 ends in December, the quarterly HOA basically remains the same for 2024. The Board adopted the proposed 2024 budget and it will go into effect January 1st, 2024.
Consolidation of Banking Institutions – The Board agreed to have Frankly Coastal consolidate and transition our bank accounts with Fifth Third and 1st Horizons to Truist and migrate to the Truist payment processing systems. This will help eliminate manual processing errors, minimize monthly processing fees and provide the Masters with flexible payment options. Frankly Coastal will be sending detailed information about the transition process to our members in advance.
Reserve Investment Options – The Board agreed to have Frankly Coastal research short and long term investment options for our Reserve Accounts and report back on them at the January Board meeting for review and potential approval. It is estimated that we may be able to earn approximately $4000 in interest payments on these accounts. There was also agreement to look at the structure of the Reserve Accounts and present any proposed changes to the members for vote at the Annual Meeting in March.
Electronic Voting – A form to agree to electronic voting was included with the Proposed 2024 Budget package that was distributed on November 2nd. Unfortunately, many of our members missed it and so it was agreed that this should be re-sent and encourage everyone to sign up for this option. Electronic voting reduces our costs and is more efficient. It also ensures that our residents are able to submit their vote regardless of where they are residing at the time.
Future Meeting Dates – The next Board of Directors Meeting will be held on January 18th, 2024 at 3pm. The Annual Meeting is scheduled for March 11th 2024 at 3pm. Notice of both meetings will be provided in accordance with Florida Statute
Roof Cleaning/Dirty Roofs – Concern was expressed that the PSGRC ARC performs inspections in the morning when the roofs are wet and may appear dirty. There is an appeal process that can be used if you feel your roof has been incorrectly identified as being dirty or if cleaning the roof could violate your warranty. The Board was also made aware that there is an effort underway to determine what constitutes a “dirty roof”. Frank Parrish offered to reach out to Denise Williams to find out more about this effort and report back to the Board with his findings.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lynelle Reney (Moscaritolo)
Board Secretary