On April 2nd, 2024, a Board of Directors Meeting will be held at 3pm in the Sound Room above the fitness center.  The agenda items for that meeting are as follows:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Determination of a Quorum
  3. Proof of Notice
  4. Approval of the 3/11/24 Organizational Meeting Minutes
  5. Comments from the floor
  6. Old Business
    __a. Irrigation Reserves
  7. New Business       
    __a. Presentation on River Ridge (Terry Mountford)
    __b. ARC Violations   
    ____i. Current status of ARC violations
    ____ii. Frankly Coastal efforts and timelines
    ____iii. Development of standard procedures to
    ______address ARC Violations
    ____iv. Formation of Compliance Committee
    ____v. Summer Liaison
    ____vi. Process for review of ARC Applications
    __c. HOA Delinquencies
    ____ i. Status of current delinquencies
    ____ii. Establishment of standard procedures to address
    ______and resolve delinquencies
  8. Adjournment

Annual Meeting – Secretary Notes

The Masters at Pelican Sound Neighborhood Association, Inc.

Secretary’s Notes March 11th, 2024

The Masters held their annual meeting, followed by an Organizational meeting on Monday March 11th, 2024. The Board of Directors, Frankly Coastal and 11 members of the Masters were present.

Annual Meeting

Jerry Vasile (President) discussed the accomplishments achieved over the past year including:

  • Passing of two amendments to our bylaws that clarified language and revised the method used to determine how our NVR votes on issues impacting the Pelican Sound community. The new language assures that the NVR votes in accordance with how the majority of the Masters votes on an issue.
  • Hiring of Frankly Coastal as our new property management company
  • Acquiring the consent of 80% of our membership to utilize electronic voting
  • Establishment of Communications and Social Committees

Scott Gallagher (Treasurer) gave a readout on the budget and noted that we have two large delinquencies in the payment of HOA fees. Certified letters will be sent to those members advising that they are in arrears and must make payments.

Kathy Sherlock provided an update on the Social Committee noting that they have $316 in the kitty and that a Block Party is being held on March 24th, 2024. She said that she, Pat Becker and Mary Grace Gallagher have some exciting new ideas for events next year.

The Board of Directors had 3 positions that were open and 3 people submitted their application for candidacy; Celeste Eaton, Scott Gallagher and Don Jancin. All three will serve for the next two years.

These notes are for information only and are not the official minutes

The Masters at Pelican Sound Neighborhood Association, Inc.

Two items were submitted to the members for voting and both were passed:

  • Vote to Rollover Excess funds from 2024 to 2025: 44 voted in favor, 0 opposed.
  • Vote to waive annual audit: 43 in favor, 1 opposed.

Organizational Meeting

At the organizational meeting it was determined that board positions would be filled as follows:

Scott Gallagher – President

George Monahan – Vice President

Don Jancin – Treasurer

Lynelle Reney (Moscaritolo) – Secretary

Celeste Eaton – ARC Chair

An issue was raised regarding a noisy pump in one of the lakes in the Masters.

The issue has been referred to Terry Mountford to address with River Ridge. Scott Gallagher will also let Eric know.

There was a discussion regarding the process to address ARC violations as well as delinquencies on payment of HOA dues. The board agreed to hold another meeting to develop processes for both situations.

Lastly, it was also acknowledged that the vote to move the irrigation reserves to deferred maintenance reserves had been omitted from the annual meeting package. As a result, this will be put to the membership for vote at another time.

Lynelle Reney (Moscaritolo)
Masters Secretary

These notes are for information only and are not the official minutes

Board Meeting!

Masters Residents,

Believe it or not, but it is time once again for The Masters Annual Meeting, hosted this Monday,  March 11 at 1:30 p.m. in the Sound Room at the Pelican Sound River Club.  The good news is that as of this afternoon, we currently have received 28 electronic votes and 1 by mail-in proxy, for a total of 29 votes on two seperate issues—but that also means we still have 71 of you out there that have not yet voted.  So, c’mon, become a “Master vote-Caster”, and vote NOW while you’re thinking of it!! 

For those that signed up to vote electronically, it is incredibly easy to click this link:, sign in to your account, navigate the left column to “my voting list” and cast your vote.  Seriously, it is incredibly simple and takes no more than three minutes!!  Plus, there is still time to vote by proxy, as well as sign up for electronic voting (contact Frankly Coastal at 727-799-0031 for assistance) or attend in person to cast your vote.  Whichever method you choose, we encourage you to support our community and become a Master vote-Caster!!

We are also pleased to announce that Scott Gallagher, Celeste Eaton, and Don Jancin all have applied to serve on the board again, and under the terms of our bylaws, all three will be named to the board without an election since there are three candidates for the three available positions. 

Finally, as he steps down from his role as Board President, please join us in giving Jerry Vasile a big Masters “Thank You” for serving us many years on the board!

Scott Rechel, on behalf of the Masters Communications Committee

Secretary’s Notes – Jan 18, 2024



Generator Installations – an issue was raised regarding the recently developed PSGRC ARC Guidelines to allow homeowners to install generators and propane tanks on their property.  Concern was expressed that these guidelines do not contain a requirement that installation conform to Village of Estero specifications. It was also noted that some of the wording could be misconstrued by residents with respect to what constitutes “adjacent property” in relation to the lakes within the Masters.  The Board agreed that it might be appropriate to develop our own ARC Generator requirements to address these concerns.

January HOA Payments – a member raised the issue that their January HOA payment had been deducted twice from their bank account during the transition to Truist.  Frankly Coastal was aware of two instances where this had occurred and has been researching the cause.  They offered to meet with the individual at the end of the meeting to further discuss and resolve this issue. 


President Jerry Vasile spoke about his email that was sent to the community earlier in the week.  He also praised the Social Committee for the two most recent Masters gatherings. Thanks was also made to Kay Howard and her team for the holiday decorations.  Jerry announced that Ron Paquette and Jim Van Aucken have volunteered to take on this effort going forward.  Lastly, Jerry spoke of the great community spirit within the Masters.


Treasurer Scott Gallaher and Frankly Coastal have reviewed the draft version of the December report and have reclassified some journal entries.  A final version should be available shortly.

The largest variance to the 2023 accounts were related to hardwood tree trimming in 2023. The expense of $9,945 was not invoiced, or paid, until FY 2024 and negatively impacted 2024 P&L.

Removing this variance, 2023 P&L would be $651.71, or effectively on budget.

At the recommendation of the Treasurer and Frankly Coastal, and with concurrence from the Board, the following will be voted on by the membership at the Annual Meeting to be held on March 11th, 2024:

  1. Pay for irrigation repairs and replacements from Operating Expenses and/or Deferred Maintenance accounts and move the funds from the Irrigation Reserves to Deferred Maintenance. 
  2. Waive the requirement for an annual audit of the accounts by an independent CPA.
  3. Rollover excess funds from 2024 budget to the 2025 budget.


The ARC Report will be posted to the Masters Website within the next week.


Truist Transition – funds have been moved to Truist and a communication sent to all homeowners with instructions on how to set up quarterly HOA payments.

Electronic Voting – response has been less than expected and a recommendation was made to send this request out again as a separate communication.  Homeowners will have the option of completing the form for electronic voting and returning it via US mail, scanning and sending via email or dropping it off at the Secretary’s home located at 21724 Masters Circle. The Board wants to stress that electronic voting is the most efficient and cost-effective option when it comes to resident voting or polling.  Please send in your consent to do so.  

Reserve Account Investment Options – the Board of Directors approved investing $50K of reserve funds in a short term (6 month) CD and $50K in a long term (12 month) CD.

The next meeting will be the Annual Meeting on March 11th, 2024 at 3pm in the Sound Room above the Fitness Center.  The Board of Directors will hold an Organizational Meeting immediately following the Annual Meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lynelle Reney (Moscaritolo)
Board Secretary

Board of Directors Meeting Notice


DATE:         January 18th, 2024
TIME:         3:00 PM
PLACE:       Lakes Room (above the Fitness Center)

1. Call to Order
2. Determination of a Quorum
3.    Proof of Notice
4.    Approval of Board of Director Meeting Minutes – 11/16/23
5.    Comments from the Floor
6.    President’s Comments
7.    Treasurer’s Report
8. ARC Report
9. Property Manager’s Report
—a. Truist Transition Update
—b. Electronic Voting Update
—c. Reserve Account
——–i. Account Structure
——–ii. Investment Options
10. Next Meeting
11. Adjournment

Zoom and call-in instructions will be sent to all residents on Sunday, January 14. If you do not get them email: