2022 Pelican Sound Proposed Budget

The Pelican Sound proposed budget documents for 2022 are available for viewing or downloading below.

The 2022 Budget schedule is:

  • October 15th @ 2:00 Pm  – (Friday) Board Workshop Budget Presentation 
  • October 19th  @ 3:00 PM – (Tuesday) Board Votes on Budget 
  • October 28th  @ 3:00 PM – (Thursday) NVR ratify the Budget

Please send any feedback directly to me at:ohandik@gmail.com no later than October 12th.

Dikran Ohannessian, Board President

2022 Pelican Sound Proposed Budget Documents:

Secretary’s Notes June 15, 2021 Board Meeting +Additional Information

Rat Trap Program

New bait boxes were installed on May 27th. The firm is using the best boxes removed and eliminating current worse boxes in the Masters; The board will consider further upgrading of boxes at our Budget meeting in October. Confirmed – Bait Boxes are on a bi-monthly service plan.

Mail Box Program

Greenscapes has completed analysis of sprinklers impacting mailbox appearance and function. Cambridge is communicating with owners where appropriate to move/ change sprinkler heads.  Target is August 1, 2021 sign up by residents, with work completed by September 30, 2021. To date: the response from residents to Jami McGovern authorizing change has been positive.

Rules and Regulations Updated

The Board approved updated Arc Standards Document and Landscaping Responsibilities Documents effective July 1, 2021. Prior to approval, copies of documents with proposed changes were sent to all residents. One minor change was included in final document based on a resident comment.

ARC Violation

The Board voted to uphold our community documents and prior board action by requesting resident’s removal of the violation.

Donald J Jancin, Board Secretary

The above are not official minutes

Additional Information Outside of Board:

Resident Changes

House No./Previous ownersSold to
21912 – John Riley  Michael & Patricia Sias
21891 – Al & Barbara WarfLeigh & Betsy Wells
21896 – Bernie & Sharon HenelyJohn Scott & Sara Jackson

Estero Building Permit Information

A frequently asked question when doing projects in single family residence is do I need a building permit from the Village of Estero. The responsibility and decision is the home owners. It is not acceptable to say my contractor told me I didn’t need a permit.

The Village has provided a handy list regarding permits for work being performed. When in doubt you can phone the Community Development department in Estero Village for guidance at: 239-221-5036

This listing has been placed on the Masters Web Site under Homeowner’s Maintenance Responsibilities | Good to Know section for future reference.

Masters Homeowner Experience

Moen Flow Valve

Chuck Bendetta writes:

I want to give the Masters residents heads up on the Moen flow valve. This was brought to our attention by the Pinehurst Association. The understanding was a few residents were having issues with  broken water pipes.

I contracted Mike’s plumbing to install the Moen flow valve. I was not just concerned about a broken pipe I was also concerned about having a hot water tank go bad in the garage and leak, washer hoses breaking on washing machines.

I installed the valve by Mike’s plumbing on June 6 with the help of Jumpp To It Home Watch. There are a couple of additional items that need to be done. There must be power at the site and you need a strong Internet signal. Make sure the internet booster you may have to purchase is compatible with your specific modem installed by Xfinity.

The cost to Mike’s Plumbing was $850.82. The other costs may vary depending on who you contract. I hope this has been of some help. Service is visible on my phone.

Board Minutes – April 14, 2021

The Masters at Pelican Sound Homeowners Association, Inc.

Minutes from the Board of Directors Meeting held April 14, 2021 via ZOOM Teleconference

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:01 P.M.

Quorum- A quorum of the board was noted with the following Board Members Present: Don Jancin,  Jim Swanger, Susan Cohen and Dikran Ohannessian.

Proof of Notice – Notices were posted by per Florida statute.

Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes:

A Motion was made by Don Jancin to waive the reading and approve the meeting minutes of February 18, 2021 and March 16, 2021. The Motion was seconded by Susan Cohen and passed unanimously.

President’s Report: Dikran Ohannessian reported on the recent Pelican Sound Board Meeting in which the Pelican Sound Board will be discussing future Capital Improvements for the Master over the next ten years. In addition the Master discussed the installation of a lap pool and that more information should be available by September.

Treasurer’s Report: Susan Cohen reported that she has been involved in the payment approval process with Collier Financial and that she is currently awaiting the monthly financials from Collier Financial at this time.

Secretary’s Report: Don Jancin reported that the emergency contacts have been updated as we approach Hurricane Season.

Management Report: Heather Keel provided a report in which she reviewed the competitive bidding process and noted that multiple ARC deficiencies have been noted in the neighborhood. These items will be looked at further as the paint project comes to a close.

Paint Committee: Susan Cohen reported that the final homes are due to painted next week and then the Committee and Paint Contractor will work on punch out list items.

Tree Canopy Program Update: Jim Swanger reported that four canopy trees are in the process of being installed. To date one tree has been planted and three are pending installation. All four trees are Shady Lady Trees.

ARC Doc Updates: It was noted that the Association will update the ARC once per year. In addition, the Masters will monitor what Pelican Sound does and take into consideration their changes when doing the annual update. It was also noted that the addition of Shady Lady Trees needs to be amended in the current ARC documents.

Rodent Boxes: Heather Keel provided a report to the Board of Directors of Armstrong Pest Controls findings when completing the full inventory of the rodent boxes. Each home has three boxes owned by the Association that are serviced under the Armstrong Contract. It was noted that some homes have more than three due to owners adding boxes and that no more than three per home are serviced by the Association contract. The inventory of the boxes yielded a recommendation from Armstrong to replace 65 boxes that are in poor condition.

A Motion was made by Don Jancin to purchase and replace 65 boxes within the Community at a cost of $35.00 each for a total cost of $2,275.00. The Motion was seconded by Jim Swanger and passed unanimously.

Armstrong will install the new boxes at consecutive addresses and move any existing boxes in good shape to locations where they are needed at the other homes. This will allow the replacement program to be more easily tracked.

It was also noted that during the month of April the monthly service previously approved by the Board for January through April 2021 will be reduced to bimonthly. The next rodent station service will take place in June 2021.

A Motion was made by Susan Cohen to move to bimonthly service on the rodent stations. The Motion was seconded by Don Jancin and passed unanimously.

Irrigation by Mailboxes: An inventory of addresses in which irrigation heads directly affect the mailboxes was provided to management by Greenscapes. That inventory was in turn provided to the Board of Directors. It was noted that one homeowner had already had the head adjusted and was on the inventory and therefore Greenscapes will be asked to check the locations again. The Association also has an estimate for the cost to relocate heads that causing mailboxes to deteriorate faster than they should.

New Business:

Vendor Analysis Project: It was noted that the Board will be reviewing all vendors and quality of service.

Adjournment: There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 4:10 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Heather Keel, CAM

Cambridge Property Management